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Millie was running, running for her life. But in vain. Millie had managed to untie her hands by using some rock she had found. But right now, she was running. Running as fast as her legs let her. She could still feel the pain on her head from something that had hit her. She could remember how she got in the forrest. Or what had happened. She just remember Mia's devilish smile once when she opened her eyes that one time. But also feeling something hard hitting the back of her head. Another time when she opened her eyes, Mia was on top of her, yet she doesn't remember the context. As she was running like she never had to before, she did the mistake to turn around to check if she was still being followed, and she met those red eyes. Who was it? Wrong question. What was it? A wolf. Not only did humans become zombies, but savage animals become some kind of hungry and bloodthirsty monsters. Millie fell over a root of some tree and fell to the ground. Her elbow took the damage as her bone cracked. She screamed out of pain, holding her arm. The wolf slowed down and growled. Millie grabbed a stick, trying to scare it away, but it just made it angrier. The wolf grabbed the stick with its teeth, breaking it in his mouth, then shaking it away. After throwing it away, it started trying to bite Millie, but the brunette kept moving and hitting the wolf as if it would listen and actually stop. At some point, the wolf bit Millie's hand when she tried to hit it again. The brunette could feel its teeth reaching her bones. She knew that if she tried to pull away, the wolf would also start pulling. The wolf was on top of her, biting as if her hand was the thing keeping it alive. Its drool was falling down on Millie's chest. Was this really the end for her? She tried kicking it with her feet, but it just resulted at the wolf biting harder. Millie could feel the blood flowing out of her hand, but she was also clearly ignoring the pain that it was causing her. Suddenly there was a gunshot. Millie closed her eyes, hoping it wasn't for her. She felt the pressure on her hand disappear and opened her eyes again, seeing the wolf falling to her side, a hole in his head. A stick broke right next to her and she turned around, seeing boots. Familiar boots. Everything went black after that, as she fainted due to the adrenaline and loss of blood. Boots. Black boots. Where had she seen those? It wasn't anyone from their group. So who? 

Millie woke up on a bed. One of her hand was handcuffed to the bed. Great. Here we go again. Or at least that's what she thought. Suddenly a boy with a ski mask walked in. Millie started pulling on the handcuffed, cause she didn't have what she needed to free her hand. 

-Please let me go. Please., begged Millie tired of all of what happened the previous hours. 

-Calm down., said the boy softly.

Millie had heard that voice before. The boy grabbed her hand gently and took some keys out, taking her handcuffs off. Millie instantly backed off against the wall, not looking away from the ski mask.

-Oh this. Right. Forgot I had that on, sorry., said the boy as he took the mask off.

-Corey? You're that guy from Sabrina's group., said Millie suddenly feeling a bit relieved.

-Yes. And you're Millie from Sadie's group., replied the skinny boy chuckling.

Millie nodded and noticed her hand in bandage.

-I'm not very good at that so I did the best I could., explained Corey sitting down next to Millie and putting his hand on her leg. 

Millie tensed and clearly wasn't feeling comfortable, which the boy noticed so he took his hand back quickly.

-Listen, I get that you don't feel safe around me, so maybe this will assure you. Rowan will be joining in a few minutes. We loot separately and then put everything together here and bring it back to Sab. Rowan will take care of your hand if that's okay, cause if I'm being completely honest, it doesn't look good. Plus she's better at this. , continued the boy.

If we have each other// Sillie•Where stories live. Discover now