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Together, both girls walked to the main room, where the ping pong table is. Seems like it's the room where they all just hang out together. As they walked in, everyone stopped moving. Lilia had a smirk on her face that both girls ignored, and just walked closer to the group of friends.

-Alright, listen up people!, said Sadie pretty loudly.

The rest of the crew was already paying attention, so they just stared at Sadie and Millie. Noah raised one hand. Sadie nodded, for him to talk.

-Just one question. Why does she have your flannel on?, asked Noah.

Sadie just blushed and didn't know what to say, she couldn't find the words.

-Well Noah, you see, Sadie gave Millie her flannel, because Millie got hurt by saving Sadie's ass and her shirt got a little bloody., said Jillian saving the girls.

Noah raised his hands, in defense and stepped back. A dark-skinned boy got up from his chair, had a serious and expression, and walked up to Millie, reaching a hand out, for Millie to shake.

-Stop Caleb, you're scaring her, dumbass., said Sadie chuckling.

The boy bursted out, laughing. Millie relaxed and took his hand to shake it, but he brought her closer to hug her.

-I'm Caleb, nice to meet you, Millie., he said.

-Uh, yeah, you too., Millie answered.

He was still hugging her and Sadie felt Millie look at her, with a "help me" look.

-Alright Caleb, that's enough-, Sadie got interrupted.

-Yes Caleb, it's my turn!, said Gaten pulling Caleb away and hugging Millie.

Sadie could see that Millie was very tense, so she pulled Gaten away and glared at both boys.

-Evef heard of "consent"?, asked Sadie.

-For hugging? Seriously?, said Caleb shaking his head.

-You made her uncomfortable, Dingus., said Sadie in a more serious tone.

-Ok, yeah, we're sorry., said Gaten.

-All good, I just haven't been hugged for a long time, so, yeah., said Millie shyly. Anyways, hi, nice to meet you all.

-Sup, I'm Finn, and I think you already Noah, the bitchy one., said Finn chuckling.

-I am Emily, and that's Luke, my boyfriend., said Emily sounded as if she felt threatened by Millie.

-Nice to meet you., said Millie politely.

-Alright everyone, see you again in 20 minutes, I'm going to show Millie around while you prepare dinner., Sadie ordered.

Millie smiled lightly and waved at the rest of the group. They waved back, except for Emily who gave her a slight glare, which Millie ignored. Sadie showed her the way through the building, but there wasn't much to show. There were rooms with mattresses, bathroom and the main room. Once they got back into their bedroom, Millie sat down on her mattress.

-Hey, uhm, about last time that you sat there, I'm sorry I reacted that way., Millie opened her mouth but Sadie continued. Like I'm seriously sorry Millie. I know how inappropriate it was, and I promise nothing like that will happen ever again.

Millie smiled lightly, stood up and placed a gentle quick kiss on Sadie's cheek. The redhead turned into a tomato, but tried to play it cool, by clearing her throat. Millie giggled and sat down again, but this time Sadie joined her. Sadie was obviously taller than Millie. Millie subconsciously got closer to Sadie, until she had her head on Sadie's shoulder. The redhead pushed her away gently, only to pull her back and into a warm hug. Millie frowned, being confused about what that was about.

-You said it had been long since you've had a hug., stated Sadie as if it should have been clear.

Millie hid her smile and hugged the older girl tighter. There was total silence. Nothing to hear, but them breathing with the same heartbeat. And for once in a very long time, Millie felt safe. She felt safe in Sadie's arm. That feeling came back, in her belly. Ok, but like they had to be butterflies. Millie ignored that thought and instead hid her head in the crook of Sadie's neck. Millie would never admit it, but she loved Sadie's scent. She smelled like vanilla with a slight scent of a perfume? It wasn't like she would ask Sadie if she had perfume on or not. Sadie slowly but surely moved one hand up, to Millie head, and caressed her hair gently, feeling the brunettes warm breath on her skin. It gave her goosebumps, but Millie luckily didn't noticed. They slowly and subconsciously fell back, laying down together on the mattress. Their hug loosened up, and they were facing each other. Sadie didn't dare to move closer, as she saw that Millie had closed her eyes, but the brunette pulled her closer. Sadie got nervous, not knowing what to do. If she should let Millie do that, or if she should stop her. She was conflicted and decided to let Millie have the control over that situation. Sadie couldn't lie, being around Millie made her weak, but she didn't care. She had this heat burning inside of her, just begging to come out. That heat is called love, gentleness, softness and a lot more. In front of the others, she had to be this strong leader, who always knows what to do, but with Millie she could simply be herself. Be Sadie. She felt like she had been holding her breath back for weeks and she can finally let go and breathe again. Like there was weight on her shoulders, and around Millie, that weight disappeared. She felt lighter, and happier. As Lilia had noticed, she wanted to be that old happy Sadie again, but the entire situation just couldn't turn out well, if she was all rainbowy and sunshiny. She needed to be tough, to be serious. Slowly without even noticing, she closed her eyes and slowly dozed off, leaving Millie alone with her own thoughts. Being this close to Sadie made her feel a certain way, she had been pushing it down for hours now, but she can't do it forever and she knows it. But what was it? What was she feeling? She's couldn't like Sadie like that. She's straight, right? Or maybe...

A/N: they said: f*ck dinner, we cuddling

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