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After ending the call with Jihyo, Chaeyoung is now staring blankly outside the building.

"What's wrong?"

Chaeyoung turns around after hearing the familiar voice. She knew who it was because she's been with the man for a long time now.

 She knew who it was because she's been with the man for a long time now

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Chaeyoung shook her head "Nothing... Why are you here?"

"We're supposed to talk about the changes, right?" Jungkook replied "Our client doesn't know what they want... We're almost done but they want too many revisions" he added

They talked about the project they were working on until Chaeyoung remembers the time.

Chaeyoung looks at her wrist watch "It's time... Will you be home tonight? I'll cook"

"I don't think I can make it tonight, there's a lot of things that have to be monitored here" Jungkook replied with an apologetic look

Chaeyoung nodded "I'll just leave some for you... I have to go, Juyeong's probably waiting for me... I have to pick him up from my parents' house... I told you, it's a bad idea that we're working with the same schedule"

Jungkook sighs "I need to work hard, especially now that Juyeong's growing up"

Chaeyoung bid her goodbye to Jungkook and headed to her parents' house, she then found Juyeong in the living room with her mother.

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"Mam mam..."

Chaeyoung smiled and get down on her knees, welcoming the baby who was crawling towards her.

"Sorry I was late" Chaeyoung told her Mom

"It's fine... I'm glad that Juyeong's here... It's nice to have a baby again in this house" Mrs. Son replied

Chaeyoung sat on the carpet, still carrying the baby.

"Did you miss me?" Chaeyoung asked Juyeong

"Mammmm mammm"

Chaeyoung chuckles "Aigoo... You should say Appa first"

"Maaaaammmmm mammm"

Chaeyoung smiled and kiss the latter's cheek "You're so cute"

"Stay and join us over dinner" Mrs. Son told Chaeyoung

Chaeyoung gently shook her head "We have to go so that I can cook... Jungkook will be home late and he's hungry for sure"

Mrs. Son sighs "He's working too hard... Juyeong is still a baby, he doesn't need to work that much"

"He's saving for the future Eomma" Chaeyoung replied

"Aigoo... This boy changed your life" Mrs. Son exclaimed

Chaeyoung smiled and kiss Juyeong's cheek "Indeed"

Chaeyoung kissed her Mom goodbye and left with Juyeong after that. She has her own car, and she and Jungkook always leave with different cars because of their job. She is now driving home when something crosses her mind...

Tomorrow's their reunion...
It's been a while since she last saw Mina, it's not like she doesn't want to see her ex but she has a lot of responsibility, especially at work since their client is giving them a hard time.

Chaeyoung glances at Juyeong through the mirror, the baby's at the back and playing with his pacifier.
Chaeyoung then had a second to glance at the ring on her ring finger, she then look back at the road and rub her ring using her thumb on the same hand while driving...


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