Chapter 68

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"Ryujin... Wake up and wear this"

Ryujin was awakened by the familiar voice of her best friend and a bump on her chest. With half-closed eyes, she found Heejin beside her bed and a pair of shoes on her chest.

"Where to?" Ryujin

"Yuna" Heejin replied while pulling the latter from her bed

"At this hour?! It's midnight" Ryujin

"I need to talk to her, we're leaving for Australia by sunrise" Heejin

Ryujin's eyes widened, and her best friend's words woke the shit out of her "Leaving?!" she quickly sat and wore her shoes

"It's a long story, I'll explain to you next time." Heejin pulled the latter once more until she was up from her bed "We have to go"

"Why the window?" Ryujin curiously asked when they headed to the window instead of the door

"Your parents can't see me, they'll surely ask a bunch of questions, and Aunt Nayeon will surely cry if she finds out" Heejin

"Why are you going to Australia- anyway?" Ryujin

"Stop asking, save it for next time" Heejin said before climbing out of the window

The two parkour until they reach the ground, where they quickly run away from the Yoo residence.

Later that night...

"Yuna!" Heejin called, almost in a whisper.

There's no way for them to climb through the window of Yuna's room, the Kim's house architecture prevents them from doing so.


"Just a moment" Ryujin said and searched for something on the ground "Here" she said while aiming to throw the rock at Yuna's window

"What are you doing?"

Ryujin and Heejin pause upon hearing someone. As their head shifted in that person's direction, they found Dahyun and Momo standing in front of the door, under the light of the front door.

Heejin gulped, and Ryujin quickly hid the stone behind her and let go of it, they both felt how awkward the situation was. The two walked towards their aunts.

"Can I see Yuna" Heejin bravely say 

"Do you really love my daughter?" Dahyun suddenly asks "Are you willing to die for her?"

Ryujin buts in "Heejin loves her but about that dying part. Can we still negotiate?"

Momo hit Dahyun's stomach 

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