Chapter 40: Present ⏩ Past ⏩Present

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"Yah! Kim Dahyun!" Jeongyeon shouted as she run after the poor tofu

Chaeyoung just cover her ears, while Tzuyu glares at them and sat on the bed~ facing Chaeyoung's back, who was now on a video call with Mina.

Chaeyoung's laying sideways on the bed, her phone is in front of her, and she's now on a call with Mina.

"Chaeyoung- ah, why didn't you tell me that you're planning to go out?" Mina asked

"You told me to enjoy, right?" Chaeyoung

Mina raised a brow "And you enjoy lying to me?"

"I didn't lie, I didn't asked.... That's different" Chaeyoung replied, trying to defend herself

Mina pouts "You like that huh? Going out~ behind my back"

"Are we going to fight because of that?" Chaeyoung yawns and can't help but close her eyes

After a few more seconds,  Chaeyoung fell asleep. Mina chuckles at her wife's cuteness.

"Goodnight Chaeyoungie... I love you" Mina uttered, before pressing the end-call button

Not long after~ when Chaeyoung fell asleep and enjoyed her dream. Someone shakes her body to grab her from dreamland.

"Seyoung- ah!" Tzuyu shouted

"Hmmmm" Chaeyoung groans

"Get up, we're going to drink" Jeongyeon

"Unnie we can't, if you insist on going to the club~ my wife will ruin your life" Chaeyoung replied, her eyes are closed~ for she was still half asleep

"We're not going out scared cat!" Tzuyu hissed and dragged Chaeyoung off the bed

Chaeyoung has no choice but to open her eyes, and just let Tzuyu~ drag her to the balcony.

"Yah!" Chaeyoung exclaimed upon seeing Dahyun

Tofu's seating on a chair~ on the balcony. And she is now tied to that chair, and Jeongyeon's the culprit.

"Hi!" Dahyun sheepishly smiled at Chaeyoung

"That's her punishment" Jeongyeon utters when she goes out to the balcony~ holding a bottle of whiskey and a three-shot glass.

Tzuyu pulled Chaeyoung to sit on the wooden floor. They are forming a circle, Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu are sitting on the floor while Dahyun's tied up on the chair.

"Isn't it unfair? What if they're having fun there?" Jeongyeon complain while pouring whiskey into the glass and giving each to the maknae

"Where's mine?" Dahyun asked

Jeongyeon looks up and glares at Tofu "Shut up"

"Yah! Include me!" Dahyun protest

"We should be enjoying ourselves in the club right now~ if only you didn't spill the tea" Tzuyu butts in

"Yah! Is it wrong to be faithful to my girlfriend?" Dahyun

"We're just going to have fun in the club... We're not going to cheat" Jeongyeon

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