Chapter 67

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"Who is Chaeyoung's first love?" Mina asked her most reliable source

"Me" Somi nonchalantly replied

"She'll kill you if she heard that" Mina replied

"I'll kill her if that's true" Somi retorted, she then put her chin on her hand "Why asked all of a sudden?"

It was a lovely night for Somi, she was about to close her store when Mina suddenly barge into her place- asking questions about Chaeyoung. 

"Don't you really know?" Mina

"Well, Chaeyoung and I used to be neighbors. That's how we actually met, then we attended the same nursery school" Somi thinks for a moment and shakes her head, as she tries to remember something "But we moved out and I transferred... We met again in college, a few years after"

Mina got curious on the information she got from the latter "You and Chaeyoung were neighbors?"

Somi nodded "Yeah, didn't she tell you? That small bean" she shakes her head in dismay "I see... You're here because your wife keeps a lot of secrets"

"I'm here because I'm not her first love" Mina

"If I don't know you, I would think you're just fooling the hell out of me... But I do know you, and you're crazy" Somi replied "But what's the big deal? I mean, it really is- fluttering to be your other half's first love but you're married for years and such things shouldn't matter anymore"

Mina cut the latter "It matters!"

Somi sighs "Mina, you're just creating your own problem... Chaeyoung surely never thinks about it, but here you are, digging into something that should be left behind... I mean, everything is perfect. You have nothing to worry about... Not with Chaeyoung, and especially not with whoever she falls in love with before you"

"Yeah, you're right... What could possibly go wrong with Chaeyoung and I..." Mina 


"I said- make mistakes, not commit a crime" Jeongyeon told Ryujin

Ryujin shrugs her shoulders "I can't differentiate"

"You only have two hours to be stupid. And you overtime again" Heejin~

The three were walking on the sidewalk, Jeongyeon's lecturing her eldest child because the latter was again- summoned to the Dean's office for punching the same boy- twice.

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