Chapter 47

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"You're gonna leave me, and that was thousands of steps away" William mocks at his sister, his arms are crossed and his expression is angry.

Heejin is sitting in front of her study table, and doing some homeworks. While her so called little devil, is pestering her.

Heejin's glares at her brother "I'm just going to college, I'm not living abroad"

"But you're still leaving!" William points out and stomp his feet "Who's gonna feed me with airplane spoon when you're away?!" He then started to walk, back and forth "Who's gonna look after me at the park?! Who's going to give me a bubble bath?! Who's gonna throw me on the bed when I want to play wrestling?! Who's going to scratch my back when it's itchy?!"

William keeps on saying such things when Heejin decided to stop him, cause he's speaking like an old man.

"Mama will" Heejin

William stopped facing back and forth and pouts his lips then face his sister.

At that same time, Mina was about to get into Heejin's room but she overheard her kids conversation. Which made her to stay behind the door, and listen to them.

"But you're my Noona! You should be with me!" William hissed

Heejin faintly smiled "I'll visit you, every month"

"But why do you have to leave?! We have a big house, you have a beautiful room" William

Mina's brows furrowed, they haven't talked about Heejin~ leaving for college.

"They give me a full scholarship, and if I'm going to study nearby, that means I have asked Mama and Eomma for my tuition fee..." Heejin explained

"What is tuition fee?" William asked

"It's payment. Money" Heejin replied, trying to explain things to her five years old brother

"You can have my piggybank, so that you don't have to leave" William

Heejin sighs "William... Thank you but it's not that easy"

"What's not easy? All you have to do is break the pig, and the money will come out" William replied in innocence "But sometimes, tweezer can help"

Heejin sighs, she knows that William cannot fully understand what she's going through. She don't want to go but she also don't to be a burden to me~ that's what she thinks of herself. That she's nothing but an obligation to her Japanese mother, that the woman who bear her for 9 months~ don't really love her.

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