Chapter 73

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When Chaeyoung came home, she was welcomed by the sound coming from the television.

Her eyes widened in surprise upon realizing that it was their kids' video playing on the screen. She immediately ran around the house to look for her wife.

At that time, Mina was supposed to be making dinner but the latter wasn't in the kitchen, there was no even trace that someone had touched the kitchen for the past hours. 

She reached the second floor and immediately ran to the master's bedroom but that just added to her fear when she didn't find Mina in there.

Her last chance is Heejin's bedroom, and what a relief that her wife is in there. Sleeping beside Heejin.

Chaeyoung's heart melted at the sight. It's just like the time when Mina gave birth to Heejin, and they were lying beside each other in a private room inside the hospital. Chaeyoung walks closer until she's beside the bed, she sits beside Mina- her eyes are still locked at the two.

Mina gave up her life for Heejin- 20 years ago, and even today, she's still doing the same thing for their daughter. Chaeyoung smiles as she runs her fingers on her wife's hair. The same woman she fell in love with- decades ago.

Her true first love...


What a silly thing for others but Chaeyoung believes that your true love is also your great love and first love, because only then- does she understand what love truly means.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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