Chapter 44: Present

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"Heejin, your brother is not a toy" Mina hissed

"I thought he's an elf" Heejin replied

Mina glares at her eldest "Don't give me that look"

"But Mama, I was doing my homework, and he keeps on bothering me" Heejin

"But you shouldn't taped him on the wall!" Mina points at Chaeyoung, who's still removing the duct tape to detached William from the wall "Look at what you have done!"

"He's also at fault, why am I the only one who gets scolding?!" Heejin

"Don't raise your voice on me, Heejin!" Mina yelled "When you and your future husband will have a child, you will understand!" 

"Mina, let's not go there. Heejin's still young" Chaeyoung

Mina gasped in frustration "She should know that she's a woman~ who needs to be mature to run a household"

Chaeyoung straightened her body and look at her wife "Mina, Heejin's just 17"

"That's the point, she's now 17!, And years from now, she'll have a husband and a kid~ she should know how to discipline her child!" Mina

Heejin suddenly run upstairs and lock herself in her room.

"Son Heejin! Comeback here!" Mina shouted

"Mina" Chaeyoung called her angry wife "You're too harsh on her"

"Am I really?!" Mina retort, pointing at herself "I'm just telling her that she shouldn't do such things"

"I know, but our Heejin is still a teenager... At that age, I'm still having a hard time on choosing between strawberry cake or cake with strawberries" Chaeyoung replied, which made Mina's forehead crease

"That's the reason why she keep on rebelling, she knows that you'll be on her side!" Mina hissed and walked out

Chaeyoung heave a deep sigh and pinch the bridge of her nose. She's just trying to in between, but Mina misunderstand it.

"Uhm... Eomma, can you put me down now?" William asked

Chaeyoung look at the boy, and continue removing the tapes.

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