Chapter 42: Start Of Something New

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"It's winter, it's so cold" Heejin complained

"There's no winter or summer in sports" Ryujin replied

The two girls were wearing their tracksuits, Ryujin and Heejin are members of their school's swimming team. Their training is done, and they are currently inside a bookstore, standing in front of a comic shelf, complaining about random things, just like any other normal teenager.

"Mama confiscate my comic books" Heejin

Ryujin laughed "Maybe you're spending too much time on reading"

"That's what she said... Mama told me to not stay up late" Heejin sighs, remembering Mina's words "What does it feels like to have a normal parent?"

"Hey! Is this for having gay parents?" Ryujin

"Of course not! I love them" Heejin hissed "What I mean about normal is the one who acts normal... My Mom's loud"

"Aunt Chaeyoung?" Ryujin asked in disbelief

"My mother Mina" Heejin replied

Ryujin chuckles "Aunt Mina can't be loud"

"You have no idea" Heejin

"My Mom said that aunt Mina is the only normal in their group" Ryujin replied

"Aunt Tzuyu said it's a lie" Heejin

Ryujin shrugs her shoulders "If you say so"

"How's Yeji~ by the way? We haven't seen her in awhile" Heejin

"I don't know, maybe she's busy" Ryujin

"On what? We're classmates, but the training makes us skip classes" Heejin glares at Ryujin "Did you tease her again?"

"I didn't" Ryujin defend herself "And it's better that I didn't talk to her lately. She keeps on bragging about going to Osaka, and studying there for college"

Heejin chuckles "And that annoys you?" she gave a teasing look at the latter

"Whatever" Ryujin took the comic that she's been eyeing since they arrived at the store "Let's pay for this" she said and pull Heejin towards the counter

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