Chapter 35: Past ⏩ Present

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Sana's sitting on her bed, holding her phone and crying her heart out.
She trusts Tzuyu's words, she believes in everything that the latter said...
When Tzuyu told her that nothing was going on between her and Jihyo, she believed her, she did that even though her mind is telling her not to.

Jihyo slapped her with the truth when the latter told her that she choose to be on a date with someone else instead of supporting Tzuyu. She's not there to support her girlfriend, she's not there to cheer her up because she set a rule to not see Tzuyu when it's not Tuesday.

She didn't think of Tzuyu when it was Wednesday to Monday. Not knowing that fate is playing on them because Tzuyu suffered every day but Tuesday, so Sana didn't see the latter's pain... She didn't see that Tzuyu needs her by her side, she let Tzuyu be alone...
She let her girlfriend deal with her own pain alone.

"Tzuyu- yah..." Sana utter, tears racing down her face- and they were unstoppable "I'm sorry Tzuyu- yah..."


"I'm her girlfriend" Sana told the guy

Sana traveled in the middle of the night just to fetch Tzuyu, she was calling the latter earlier and found out that Tzuyu's in a club, drinking. She went there and found Tzuyu with a guy, drunk and not in her usual self.

The guy laughed "You have a girlfriend?" He asked Tzuyu

Tzuyu shakes her head "It's Saturday, I'm single"

"That's cool" The guy replied and was about to pull Tzuyu closer

But Sana's quicker than the stranger, she grabs Tzuyu by the arm and pulls her out of that place.

"Yah! Can't you see- I'm enjoying!" Tzuyu hissed

They reached the parking lot, and that's when Sana let go of Tzuyu. It was an open space and no one was there but them.

"What's your problem?" Tzuyu asks in irritation

"What's my problem?" Sana gasped and pointed at herself "You're drowning yourself in there! If I didn't come- you could be raped by now!"

"Tss! Why don't you just fuck off!" Tzuyu

Sana slapped the latter's hand "Is this what you want to do?! You promised your parents that you'll take care of yourself"

Tzuyu gasped, Sana used the deadly card "Ugh... Fine!" She hissed in defeat "I'll call Jihyo unnie to take me home"

"I'm here, I'll take you home" Sana

Tzuyu laughed "You?" She points at Sana "I don't need you"

Sana was hurt by Tzuyu's words, they were in an open relationship for a long time now, and this is the first time that Tzuyu talked back like that. But she knows that the latter is drunk, so she told herself to understand Tzuyu despite the hurtful words that she received from the latter.

"Tzuyu- yah you're drunk, and your Jihyo unnie can't help you now... She's on a date with her boyfriend" Sana

Tzuyu looked down and bitterly laughed "Oh yeah... She's on a date" she then turned around

"Where are you going?" Sana asked when Tzuyu started to walk away

"I'm going to drink" Tzuyu replied

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