Chapter 30: Present

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The whole drive was complete silence for Jeongyeon and Nayeon. Jeongyeon asked Jihyo to take Nayeon's car since she asked the latter to be in the same car with her, but Jeongyeon has another thing in mind. Instead of sending Nayeon to her apartment- Jeongyeon drives to her apartment.

Nayeon's eyebrows furrowed when they entered the parking lot and Jeongyeon stopped the car.

"What are we doing here?" Nayeon asked

Jeongyeon looks at her fiancee "Can you stay with me tonight?"

Nayeon gasped in frustration "You should have asked me first- before driving me here" she hissed "I'm going home"

Jeongyeon reached for Nayeon's hand and gently squeeze it "Please..."

Jeongyeon looks at her fiancee and tried her best to show how she wanted her to stay. On the other hand, Nayeon can't resist those pleading eyes.

Nayeon sighs in defeat and revokes her hand from Jeongyeon.

"Fine" Nayeon said and open the door on her side.

Jeongyeon immediately took the key and run out of the car, chasing after her fiancee who is now walking towards the elevator. Nayeon keeps giving her a cold shoulder even when they reached Jeongyeon's unit.

Jeongyeon was left behind since Nayeon is walking fast, when Nayeon was about to enter the bedroom- Jeongyeon fasten her pace and hugged the latter from behind.
Nayeon was shocked by that sudden action from the latter, but Jeongyeon bury her face in the crook of Nayeon's neck.

"I'm scared..." Jeongyeon suddenly confessed "You're so beautiful and I'm scared that someone will steal you from me..." She tightened her hug on Nayeon's waist "I don't want them to see how beautiful you are, I'm afraid of losing you"

Nayeon softened after hearing Jeongyeon's confession. She removes Jeongyeon's hand from her waist and faces the latter.

"Don't you trust me? Jeongyeon- ah, don't you believe me whenever I told you that I love you?" Nayeon

Jeongyeon looked down "I do... But you're so beautiful, and I can't help but think why such a beautiful creature as you fell in love with me"

"Yah! Calling me a creature made me think of that character in the movie, Lord of the rings" Nayeon hissed

Jeongyeon chuckles, she finds Nayeon's expression adorable. That's one of the reasons why she loves teasing Nayeon, it's because she's still beautiful no matter what her expression is.

"So... There's still a wedding, right?" Jeongyeon asked

Nayeon pouts "Hmm... I'll think about that" she teased

Jeongyeon pouts and pull Nayeon for a hug "Nayeon- ah... Please marry me, I can't wait to start a family with you"

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