Chapter 48

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"EOMMA! THERE'S AN ENEMY!" William shouted, after he open the front door

Chaeyoung walked out from the kitchen, wearing an apron. Her forehead creased upon seeing a guy~ in front of there door.

"Good morning Mrs. Son" The boy bowed his head to greet Chaeyoung

"Good morning" Chaeyoung replied "Why are you here?"

Chaeyoung recognized the unexpected visitor, she stalked that boy's social media account~ because of his comment on Heejin's picture.

"Uhm... I'm here to fetch Heejin" Hyunjin replied, he's the boy who wants to court Heejin

Chaeyoung's eyes narrowed, as she walked towards Hyunjin "Fetch Heejin? And why?"

Hyunjin gulped, feeling the discomfort that Chaeyoung's giving him "We have do finish a school project"

Chaeyoung look at him, from his head to his shoes then back to his face

"Get in" Chaeyoung told the boy

Hyunjin awkwardly smiled at Chaeyoung, then bowed his head~ as he made his way inside the house. Chaeyoung lead him to the living room.

"Just wait there" Chaeyoung utter, before living him alone

Hyunjin nodded and sat on the couch. Just seconds after he sat, a little being pops up~ behind him.

"Who are you?"  William asked

Hyunjin flinched when William shows up~ all of a sudden. The little Son climbed from behind, and let his small body~ fall on the couch.

"Hello, I'm Hwang Hyunjin" Hyunjin introduced himself

"Are you my Noona's boyfriend?" William

Hyunjin shyly giggles "I'm her classmate"

"Do you think that my Noona is beautiful?" William sat and look at Hyunjin

Hyunjin smiled and nodded "Yes she is"

"I'll be an assassin, you know? When I grow up, I'll be the best assassin... So~ you better be good" William told Hyunjin

Hyunjin was about to say something but he saw Heejin, walking down the stairs. He quickly stood to welcome the latter. But when Heejin finally reached where he is, Chaeyoung show up out of nowhere. 

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