Chapter 31: Present

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Dahyun and Momo are in Tzuyu and the boys' house since her older brother Jin and his friends are already home.
They are currently in the living room with the luggage around them

"I'm going to introduce Momo to our parents" Dahyun told Jin.

"That's my sister" Jin proudly say

"She planned to impregnate me first- before telling your parents about us" Momo butts in while eating snacks that Jimin gave

"Ohw- she's adopted by the way" Jin

"Yah!" Dahyun hissed "I just suggest that we should undergo an IVF"

"I'm sorry about that- Momo" Jin apologize "She was the wrong baby, the nurse accidentally gave her to our family"

"Yah! I'm gonna tell Dad that you're bullying me" Dahyun hissed

"I'm gonna tell Momo the things that you don't want her to know" Jin fires back

"I'm going to upload your ugly picture" Dahyun retorts

"I don't have one" Jin

Momo just rolled her eyes, she just continue eating and didn't mind the sibling's fight.

"Where's Tzuyu?" Namjoon asked as he took Juyeong from Taehyung

"She's on the site" Jungkook replied "She's not supposed to be there but she said she needs to check something"

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed "Isn't your new client Jihyo's current employer?"

Jungkook nodded his head in reply "Yeah"

Taehyung sighs "I told you, there's something going on"

"I thought I'm the only one who noticed" Momo utter with her mouth full

"I hope that won't get Tzuyu in trouble" Namjoon

"We talked to her about that" Jungkook replied "But she doesn't really like the idea"

"I guess that's Sana's karma for hurting Tzuyu before" Momo suddenly utter then glares at Dahyun

Dahyun just gulped and got nervous when Momo shot deadly glares at her.


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