Chapter 19: Present

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Tzuyu comes running to where Sana is, the latter's waiting for her at the bus stop.

"Where were you? You weren't answering your phone" Sana asked as soon as Tzuyu stopped in front of her and took her bag.

"I'm with Jihyo unnie earlier, I forgot to check my phone" Tzuyu replied as she puts Sana's bag on her shoulder

"Is that so..." Sana utter with a low tone.

But even though she's uncomfortable and unhappy, Sana managed to fake a smile. And Tzuyu failed to notice that it was fake.

Tzuyu smiled back "Let's go?"

"Where's your car?" Sana

"I left it" Tzuyu replied

Sana's eyebrows furrowed in confusion but it only last for a second because Tzuyu suddenly held her hand and intertwined their fingers.

"It's been a while since we last walked... Can I walk you home again?" Tzuyu asked

Sana can't hide her smile, her cheeks turned red again because of Tzuyu... All she can do is nod her head shyly.

Tzuyu chuckles as she finds Sana's reaction cute "We should walk a lot" she said as they started to walk

"I can walk with you for the rest of my life" Sana replied as she looks at Tzuyu

Tzuyu giggles and put her other hand on top of Sana's head, messing with the latter's hair.

"Aigoo..." Tzuyu exclaimed "Do you want to do anything else before we go home?"

Sana shows a weak smile and shakes her head "I want to go home and cuddle with you"

Tzuyu's expression changed "I don't think I can stay at your place tonight..." She said, with a tone like already apologizing "We're having a new project, so I need to go after I send you home"

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