Chapter 53

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"William!" Chaeyoung walked down the stairs, holding her bag, and looking for her son

Today is the first day of class, and Chaeyoung will drive William to his school.
Mina was not there, she had to left early, because of an important meeting.

Chaeyoung heard the sound of the television, so she decided to head to the living room~ and there she saw William. Sitting on the couch, watching tv. And the reason why she didn't see him earlier, is because he's on the blind spot.

"I was looking for you" Chaeyoung told William

"I'm just here" William replied, still looking at the tv screen

"I just know by now..." Chaeyoung sighs "Why do you have to be so small?"

"Where do you think I got it from?" William retort

Chaeyoung look at his son in disbelief, but decided not to push it. She then look at the television "Why are you watching that?"

"Because I miss Heejin Noona" William replied

Chaeyoung brows furrowed "William, you're watching animal planet!"

William look up to his Korean mother "That's the closest resemblance"

Chaeyoung scratched the back of her head "Turn that off, you're gonna be late for school"

"I hate school" William hissed, and grab the remote, then press the power button, before jumping out of the couch, and lazily walked out

Chaeyoung then followed the little man "Make sure that you'll make friends"

"Don't worry, they'll come running to me because I'm cute" William

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and open the front door for her and William "Mina don't have that much of confidence, where did you get that?"

"Just the same when you're too confident that you'll reach the cereal on the cupboard" William replied

"Yah! You're starting to act like Tzuyu" Chaeyoung

William's eyes narrowed, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and turned to face his mother, Chaeyoung.

"That's an insult!" William hissed

"Get in the car, or you'll be late" Chaeyoung told her son, in authority

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