Chapter 39: Present

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Chaeyoung's about to leave in an hour, and Mina's making sure that she packed everything for her wife. She's really hands-on when it comes to Chaeyoung, doing her duty as the latter's wife.

They're currently in the bedroom, Chaeyoung's luggage is on the floor while Mina's checking everything, making sure that she missed nothing. If only the boys, and Tzuyu could see them~ Chaeyoung will probably be the source of fun, they'll definitely tease her. She looks like a preschooler who's about to go on a field trip.

"Your toothbrush is in the hygiene pouch" Mina told Chaeyoung, and the latter nodded "Deodorant is in there too, and there's also a sunblock~ if ever you're going to swim"

"Mina, Tzuyu said that we're going to hike" Chaeyoung

"But Jeongyeon unnie told Nayeon unnie that you'll be in the countryside, and it's near the sea" Mina replied "Don't forget to have inflatables with you whenever you swim"

Chaeyoung pulls a face "Yah, I can swim"

Mina eyed her wife "Still~ make sure that you're safe. And I'm going to call you from time to time~ and umh..." She took her card from the nightstand and hand it to Chaeyoung "Here"

Chaeyoung's forehead creased~ still staring at Mina's hands, holding the card "Mina?"

"Take it" Mina told Chaeyoung, still waiting for the latter to take the atm card

"But I have money with me" Chaeyoung replied

"You might need extra money, you'll be there for a week." Mina


"Your card is for local use only, please take this" Mina faintly smiles~ pleasing her wife to agree

Chaeyoung heaves a deep sigh and grabs the card even if it's against her will "Fine"

Mina chuckles "And don't you dare borrow money from your friends, use our card" she said, knowing that Chaeyoung might do that because her personal card won't work abroad

"Don't worry, I can budget my money. I won't spend much" Chaeyoung assures Mina

"Yah! Use the card, eat anything you like. Buy everything you want... Enjoy while you're there" Mina

"But it's yours~"

"It's US" Mina cut her wife from talking "What mine is yours, and vice versa, right?"

Chaeyoung show a weak smile and nodded. She then hugs Mina "Thank you for choosing me, even if I can't give you the world"

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