Chapter 7: Flashback

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"Are you going to transfer to this University?" Chaeyoung asked while she and Jungkook are walking to the admission building

Jungkook gently shakes his head "I graduated already... I'm a fresh graduate actually, architecture"

"Really? I'm actually studying engineering" Chaeyoung got excited "Same field"

"I will be reviewing for the licensure exam... And this University offers a good review program" Jungkook

"So you'll be studying here" Chaeyoung

"I was actually half-hearted a while ago... But now I'm sure that I want to be here" Jungkook

"You're an architect, I must assume that you're good at arts" Chaeyoung

Jungkook chuckles "I just like it but I don't consider myself being good at it... How about you? You said you're from the college of engineering, what year?"

"I'm in my final year" Chaeyoung replied

"It's school break, right? Why are you here?" Jungkook

"I'm a part of the theater club, we're going to perform. That's why I'm spending my vacation here, to participate" Chaeyoung

"Theater? I was part of the same club at our university before" Jungkook

"Really? You like acting too?" Chaeyoung

Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head "Not really, but I was about to fail a subject when I'm in my junior year. So I decided to join the club for the perks"

Jungkook laughed and so as Chaeyoung. It's just a light conversation between two strangers.

"Here we are" Chaeyoung stops right in front of a building and points her hand at it "This is the admission building"

Jungkook smiled and bow his head "Thanks" He said, still looking at Chaeyoung with a smile while walking toward the building

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