Chapter 65

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Yeji just chuckle while hearing her parents moan from the master bedroom. She's inside her room, sitting on her bed. It's funny that whenever her parents are on the verge of letting go, they always end up running back to each others arms.

A lot of things happened today, and it's like a rollercoaster ride for Yeji.


"My parents are on a rough stage, and here you are, my Mama's great love" Yeji told Jihyo

When Seungjae fell asleep, Yeji and Jihyo finally had a chance to talk. They were in the kitchen, Jihyo offered some coffee, so that they can have a light talk. But Yeji's words are too straightforward, but Jihyo remains calm, not wanting to deepen the misunderstanding.

Jihyo chuckles and reach for Yeji's hand "Your mother's greatest love is not me, it's you"

Yeji was taken aback, while Jihyo decided to continue.

"I was there when you were born" Jihyo heave a deep sigh "I made a promise to myself that I will keep my distance from your parents, but they are my friends. And I want to be there for Sana... I saw Tzuyu that time, she's holding you. She was crying, it was love at first sight~ I guess... That's when I know~ You are Tzuyu's greatest love"

Yeji softened, now she understands why Ryujin defend Jihyo, and why Heejin told her to talk to the latter. 

Jihyo lean her back on the counter, while Yeji is sitting on the chair beside the dining table~ looking up at the latter. 

"Are you raising him~ just by yourself?" Yeji asked, referring to Seungjae

Jihyo faintly smiles "Thanks to your Aunts for helping me"

"Is Mama helping too?" Yeji

Jihyo nodded "Yah... Tzuyu also told Seungjae about you"

"I'm happy that I met him... We all treat each other as family... I grew up as an only child child, but Yuna and my other aunts kids are like sibling to me. It is sad that Seungjae is experiencing the same feeling of being an only child, but unlike me, he doesn't have Ryujin, Yuna, and Heejin~ to grew up with" Yeji

"Seungjae have met them before you. Maybe that's the reason why he was so keen to play with you. Tzuyu told him a lot about you" Jihyo explained

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