Chapter 2: Flashback

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"I bet a hundred bucks that you'll be together again" Tzuyu said and laugh with Dahyun

It was the day after Mina and Chaeyoung broke up. They were at Dahyun's place, talking about what happened yesterday.
Chaeyoung didn't have a chance to talk with her friends yesterday because it was their girl's graduation too.

Chaeyoung's sitting on the couch while Dahyun and Tzuyu are sitting on the carpet and eating chips. The two were teasing Chaeyoung because of Mina's possessiveness the other day. They were used to Mina's break-up drama, and they're laughing about it... thinking that it's just like before.

"Don't frown Chaeyoung, I'm sure you'll get back together after" Dahyun

Chaeyoung shakes her head "No we're not"

"It happened before... You guys broke up and get back together again" Dahyun

"This one's different" Chaeyoung

"And how is this different?" Tzuyu

"Cause she already asked me to get back to her but I said no" Chaeyoung

Dahyun and Tzuyu glance at each other and burst into laughter.

"You and Mina unnie will surely get back together" Tzuyu assures

"But I don't want to" Chaeyoung replied with a poker face

And that made Dahyun and Tzuyu straightened their upper body.

"Why?" Dahyun asked

"I'm tired of explaining myself all the time... I'm tired of being sorry for nothing... I'm tired of all the drama!" Chaeyoung hissed

"Take it easy cub..." Tzuyu took a beer and open it before handing it to Chaeyoung "You were so serious"

"I want to breathe again..." Chaeyoung hissed and drank the beer, she finished it and wiped her lips with the back of her palm

That left Dahyun and Tzuyu dumbfounded, they glance at each other for a second and put their attention back to Chaeyoung.

"I'm tired of asking permission all the time!" Chaeyoung said in anger and put down the can of beer on the table "I can't go anywhere I like! I have to ask permission from her! She'll say yes but acts differently when I leave! I don't understand why girlfriends are like that! They control their partner's life! She's always, don't do this" Chaeyoung points at her left and right "Don't do that, you can go there..." She combs her hair with her fingers "Why is she like that?! Why are there things that I'm not allowed to do?! Even my parents let me enjoy my life- yet she'll stop me! And if I won't tell her that I'm going somewhere, she'll get mad for not informing her beforehand!"

Chaeyoung bites her lower lips, preventing herself from crying "I don't understand why... I thought being in a relationship will be fun, but it turns out different from what I expected... She wants me beside her all the time, and I love being with her too but there were times that I also want to be alone and just be with myself to reflect..."

Some may think that it's a selfish act for Chaeyoung to think that way but it's not... Everyone needs time to be alone, even if you're in a relationship.

"Why is it so hard for someone to act fair in a relationship?" Chaeyoung added "I'm not cheating on her, I never even thought of that but she keeps on suspecting me. She gets jealous so easily"

"But love isn't just about the happy things, there are downsides too" Dahyun

Chaeyoung wiped her tears "But isn't too much? I suffered long enough in this relationship. There were times that I want to say something but I end up not saying a word because I don't want to start a fight... You might say that it's my fault for not speaking up but all I want is a peaceful day with Mina... And one wrong word will ruin everything" She grab another beer, quickly open it, and drank it "I do love her, but I don't recognize myself anymore... I felt like I was forced to change myself just to fit in, I was trying hard to keep us calm yet she was always in the mood to have a fight... It's like everything I do should be monitored by here, that I must report to her from time to time... I can really ignore that, I can spend my day without telling her what I'm going to do. I can go whenever I want and go out with my other friends without telling her..." She drank her beer again "But that will surely be a bad move... Every movement should be reported to her... There were times when she allowed me to go out with my friends but she keep on calling me every five minutes. In the end, I just decided to go home"

Chaeyoung gasped in frustration "She keeps on spending money for me, not thinking that I don't really need those... And when I decline her offer, she'll get mad at me... Saying something like it's her responsibility to help me financially... Like, how did I become her responsibility?! I know she's generous but people keep thinking that I'm just using her because she's rich..." She points at her chest "They think that Mina bought me, and I feel sorry for myself sometimes... I want to defend myself from them but they were right... I was in debt with my ex-girlfriend" She leaned her back on the couch backrest "And do you guys know that there were times that I was just sleeping all day but when I woke up and reach for my phone- I'll find out that she's mad at me because her mind already created a scenario that the reason why I'm not answering any of her calls is that I'm with someone else... And she also brings that doubts in her dreams! There were mornings that she was mad at me because I was talking to someone else in her dream!"

Chaeyoung keeps telling them stories about what she's been going through because she's Mina's girlfriend.

Dahyun and Tzuyu sighs... They don't know what to say anymore. Momo's cool for Dahyun, and Sana has that possessive side but not like Mina... So her friends don't know the right words to comfort Chaeyoung... All they can do is hear her out, let her burst, and be there as a friend that will always listen.

None of them wants to push Chaeyoung to do something even if it's about going back to Mina. They do think that they shouldn't tell the latter what to do and let Chaeyoung think of her next move.


AN: Some may be triggered by this but if you're from a toxic relationship, you'll understand this.

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