Chapter 49

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Ryujin take a hold of Yeji's shoulders, and gently pushed her away.

"YEJI?!" Ryujin shouted

And because of the tone of her voice, Yeji was taken aback and stare at Ryujin with teary eyes. That's when Yeji realized the consequences of what she did.

"I'm sorry..." She turned her back and was about to leave

But Ryujin grab Yeji's wrist "I'll walk you home"

Yeji quickly wiped the side of her yes before facing the latter

"No need" Yeji utter, but Ryujin didn't listen to her. The latter keep holding her wrist, and start walking.

Yeji can't protest anymore, she just let Ryujin pull her, and lead the way to the Chou's house.
None of them speaks, and Yeji could say that it was the longest 10 minutes of her life. It is also the only silent walk, that she had with Ryujin.

When they reach their destination. Yeji was about to made her way to her parents house but Ryujin stopped her, by not letting go of her wrist. That made Yeji~ look at her childhood friend.

Ryujin was looking down "I'm sorry..."

Yeji can feel her heart being broken~ all over again. Tears started to escape from her cat like eyes, she then used all her force to let go of Ryujin's hold.
Yeji didn't waste time after that, she run into their house, leaving Ryujin alone~ who is now looking at her.

And with down shoulders, Ryujin started walking to their house, which is just a block away.
When she reached their home, Ryujin stayed on the front porch, and sat on the bench. She was still thinking about what happened earlier.

"What are you doing there?"

Ryujin turned to her left, and saw her mother Jeongyeon, holding the slightly opened door of their house, half of her body is inside~ and currently looking at her.

Ryujin shrugs her shoulders "Just reflecting"

Jeongyeon approached her daughter, and sat beside her "Is there a problem?"

Ryujin nodded "A lot"

"If it's about failing grades, you know that I won't be mad, but your mother Nayeon will freak out" Jeongyeon replied "I didn't expect you to graduate from high school~ on time"

"Hey!" Ryujin hissed, looking at her mother in disbelief

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