Chapter 8: Flashback

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Tzuyu's on a video call with Sana, so Chaeyoung decided to leave the dorm to give them alone time.

She was walking out of their dormitory when her phone rang. She took it out of her pocket and see Mina's name flashing on the screen.

"What?" Chaeyoung answered the call with an uninterested tone

"Chaeyoungie! I miss you!" Mina happily confessed

"We see each other yesterday" Chaeyoung replied

"Yah! Don't you miss me Chaeyoungie?" Mina asked, trying to sound cute

"No" Chaeyoung replied, sternly and ended the call

She sighed in annoyance and put her phone back in her pocket but her phone rang again, and when she sees that it was Mina. Chaeyoung rejects the call and turns off her phone.

Chaeyoung was heading out of the campus when she spot a familiar face. The latter was standing beside a big tree and was looking at his phone.

"Jungkook!" Chaeyoung called

The guy turned in her direction, Jungkook immediately smiled upon seeing Chaeyoung and jog toward her.

"Chaeyoung" Jungkook

"What are you doing here?" Chaeyoung asked

"I'm looking around" Jungkook replied, unsure "I want to be familiarized with the campus"

Chaeyoung chuckles "You're lost again, aren't you?"

Jungkook shyly smiled and nodded which made Chaeyoung laugh.

"This University's a bit tricky, I got lost here- so many times when I was still in freshmen. Let me tour you around" Chaeyoung

Jungkook's eyes shine and his lips form a smile "Really?"

"Well... If you want to" Chaeyoung

Jungkook happily nodded "Of course- uhm..  I mean if that's fine with you"

"I would love to" Chaeyoung

"So am I" Jungkook replied with a smile

They start the tour by checking out the colleges, they roam around the campus for almost an hour.

"That's the nursing building" Chaeyoung said, pointing to their right "Don't go there, there's a lot of ghosts in there... Especially at night"

Jungkook chuckles and nodded.
They're near the exit and Jungkook noticed a food stall outside.

"Let's eat, my treat" Jungkook said and grab Chaeyoung's hand then pull her out of the campus and head out to the street.

Chaeyoung just smiled when they stood in front of the stall. Jungkook talked to the vendor and serve Tteokbokki in front of them.

"Don't you like Tteokbokki?" Jungkook asked when he noticed that Chaeyoung's just staring at him

"I was food poisoned before, I don't really eat street foods" Chaeyoung replied "Even if I want some, I can't risk my health"

Jungkook quickly took a stick of Tteokbokki and finish it. Chaeyoung's eyes widened in surprise but Jungkook took another stick of it and bites it without even swallowing the food in his mouth.

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