Chapter 64

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"Mama" Ryujin called out for Jeongyeon, who's starring at the pink roses

Jeongyeon looks at her eldest "Your Mom will like this"

"You're gonna give roses to her?" Ryujin

"Yah" Jeongyeon replied

"Why? What did you do?" Ryujin

Jeongyeon laughed "You sounds like Mina"

"But there's no occasion. Why will you give her those?" Ryujin

Jeongyeon chuckles, and tapped the latter's shoulder "Because I love her... And your Mom deserves to be treated well"

Ryujin nodded "Hmmm... Noted! I'll do that to Yeji"

"Let's go home, Nayeon will call the police if we came home late... You should give flowers to Yeji, she'll be happy" Jeongyeon joked while paying for the bouquet

Ryujin's smile fades, when she remember that Yeji is not fine. Her parents are not in good terms, and that affects her.

Ryujin remained silent until they reach home. Nayeon and Jeongyeon noticed that their daughter is not on her usual self.

After the dinner, the two decided to went to their daughter's room, so that they could talk.

"Yeji thinks that aunt Jihyo and Aunt Tzuyu has a thing" Ryujin replied, when her parents started to ask

Nayeon and Jeongyeon looks at each other, before joining their kid on the bed. They both lay on each side of Ryujin, making her in between.

"Ryujin... When we were younger, Jihyo and Tzuyu has a thing" Nayeon

"So~ Yeji was right?" Ryujin asked

"You don't get it... Jihyo was always in love with Tzuyu, she takes good care of her.... Then suddenly, Sana came in the picture and take Tzuyu from Jihyo, but she just hurt Tzuyu" Nayeon

"I still don't get it, Mom" Ryujin

Jeongyeon sighs, and butt in "Jihyo loves Tzuyu, and I think~ Tzuyu feels the same. It's just that~ one day, Sana stole Tzuyu from Jihyo, she used her to make Dahyun jealous"

"Aunt Dahyun?" Ryujin asked in surprise

Nayeon nodded "They dated before, and Sana couldn't take it when they broke up... Your aunt Jihyo saw how broken your Aunt Tzuyu was~ because of Sana. And she tried to fix her broken pieces... But she can't~ because she's also broken by just witnessing Tzuyu's tears"

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