Chapter 59

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"Mama..." Heejin went to the kitchen and called for her Japanese mother

Mina closed the pot before turning around to face her eldest child "Are you hungry?"

Heejin shakes her head, and take a step towards Mina "I wonder if I can do skydiving?"

Mina's brows furrowed "Skydiving? That's dangerous"

"Just this weekend, I just want to try" Heejin

"Knowing that you'll be there alone~ makes me worry" Mina

"I can ask Eomma to be with me" Heejin replied

"Have you told her?" Mina asked, and Heejin shakes her head "She'll be scared "

Heejin pouts "But I want to try skydiving. Maybe we can do the same thing that she did when she had the courage to ask you out? Or when she asked you for marriage"

Mina sighs "That won't work, she's not drinking hard anymore"

"But how can we make her agree?" Heejin

"I can go with you" Mina said~ out of nowhere

"Aren't you busy?" Heejin

Mina smiles "I can make time"

Heejin smiles and run towards her mother, giving her a tight hug.

Unbeknownst to them, Chaeyoung and William are watching them from a far. This is what Chaeyoung wants, and she happy that both Mina and Heejin are doing their part to reconcile.

Chaeyoung look down to her right "I think, It will just be us- the whole day" she told William

William look up to his Korean mother "Can we play with Mama's console?"

Chaeyoung chuckles "Why don't we go to the mall?"

William's face lit up, he then smiles at Chaeyoung, showing his baby teeth.


At Chou's residence...

Sana could feel a presence behind them, so she turned her head, and found Tzuyu~ standing behind the couch, where she and Yeji are sitting.

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