Chapter 55

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"Seungjae!" Jihyo shouted, and run towards Seungjae.

She quickly hug her son, as soon as she gets near him. Jihyo cupped Seungjae's face, then comb the latter's hair using her fingers.
They're in front of the store, where Seungjae left his mother earlier.

"Where have you been?" Jihyo asked

"I just look around" Seungjae replied

"You scared me" Jihyo utter, as she caressed her son's face

"I'm sorry Eomma, it won't happen again" Seungjae

"Never do that to me again" Jihyo exclaimed. Seungjae nodded, then Jihyo held his hand "Let's go, Mina's waiting for us"

Jihyo started to walk, pulling her son beside her.

Seungjae look back, he smiled and waved his hand on the person~ hiding behind the column.

Tzuyu smiled back, and waved her hand back, she watched them disappear from her sight before she starts walking to the other direction.

"She's still that beautiful angel that I lost" Tzuyu told herself


Tzuyu's forehead creased "You know, how do you know?"

"My Mom told me" Seungjae simply replied

"Your Mom?" Tzuyu asked in confusion

Seungjae nodded "Yes my Mom... Park Jihyo"

Tzuyu straightened her body "Come again"

"My mom is Park Jihyo" Seungjae replied, and lick on his icecream "You know her, right? I saw your pictures"

Tzuyu put down the cup that she's holding. She then get off her seat and kneel in front of Seungjae.a

Though Seungjae is confuse, he just let Tzuyu cupped his face.

"Seungjae" Tzuyu smiled, as she remembered Jihyo, and the name that she told the latter when they were younger. The name that Tzuyu will name his future son "Are you really Jihyo unnie's child?"

Seungjae pouts and nodded "Do I look like a liar?"

Tzuyu chuckles "No, it's not like that"

Seungjae look down "Kids used to call me a liar, because I don't have a father"

Tzuyu's forehead creased "Your dad is not with you?"

Seungjae shakes his head "I don't know him... It's just me and Eomma..."

"She's raising you, alone?" Tzuyu utter, almost a whisper

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