Chapter 1: Flashback

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It's graduation day, everyone is busy chatting with their classmates after the ceremony.
Chaeyoung was looking for Mina, in the sea of students and parents. It's the day when her girlfriend's hard work finally pays off.
She was in the sea of people when somebody grabbed her.

"Chaeyoungie..." A familiar voice called Chaeyoung, and soon after, she felt a hug

When Chaeyoung turned her head, she smiled upon learning who it was.

"Irene unnie" Chaeyoung

Irene let go of Chaeyoung "What are you doing here?"

"Ohw, it's my girlfriend's graduation. How about you?" Chaeyoung

"It's my brother's graduation too" Irene replied

"I haven't seen you for a long time, where were you at?" Chaeyoung

"I'm in Busan, I have a project there... Anyway, are you done with your OJT? Our firm's open for interns this summer" Irene

"I already take my OJT last summer, Tzuyu and I went to Taiwan" Chaeyoung

Irene smirked "Tzuyu, the womanizer... Where is she by the way?"

"It's her girlfriend's graduation too... I think she's with her girl" Chaeyoung

"Girlfriend? Which one?" Irene joked and they both laugh

"Unnie... Tzuyu's not a womanizer anymore, she finally found her peace" Chaeyoung

"That's good to hear, I still remember those times when a girl punched you because she was looking for Tzuyu, and she thinks that you're hiding your best friend" Irene

"Well I guess, that's not gonna happen anymore... Jeongyeon unnie teases her a lot about the girls she dated before but Tzuyu only has her eyes on her girlfriend" Chaeyoung

"Jeongyeon? I saw her last time with her girlfriend, they're together for a long time now" Irene

"You can never separate them... Nayeon unnie's always around, and Jeongyeon unnie- despite being a tease, she's taking good care of Nayeon unnie" Chaeyoung

"How about you? Who's your girlfriend?" Irene asked

Chaeyoung chuckles "I'm sure you met her before, it's Mina..."

"The one who dances ballet?" Irene asked in surprise

Chaeyoung smiled and nodded "Yeah... Who would have thought that I'll have a beautiful girlfriend"

Irene smiled "I thought she was not your type but that's cool to hear... Opposite really do attract"  she joked, and suddenly glanced at her phone "Ohw... I have to go, anyway..." She took a card from her bag and hand it to Chaeyoung "This is my calling card, my office address is also written there... Pay me a visit and bring Tzuyu and Dahyun with you, I miss those kids"

"How about Jeongyeon unnie?" Chaeyoung jokingly asked

"I see Jeongyeon almost everywhere" Irene replied

Irene then bid her goodbye to Chaeyoung after that. Just a moment after Irene left, Mina came and grabbed Chaeyoung's arm, the latter just let her girlfriend drag her to the lockers.

"What was that?" Mina suddenly asked and cross her arms in front of her chest

"What?" Chaeyoung asked in innocence

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