Chapter 72

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~~~ ☾~ ~~~

"How's home?" Jungkook asked as he rolled the blueprint

Chaeyoung sighs and leans on the headrest of her chair "Still not fine"

They were in their office. Chaeyoung couldn't go to the site, she also didn't want to make Mina worried. That is why she chooses to stay indoors until she's fully healed.

"Heejin's still not attending school? Vernon hasn't seen him at the University" Jungkook

Chaeyoung shakes her head "We do not want to force her but she's been skipping class- long enough to drop the subject. Luckily, Mina bought the University when she enrolled our Heejin"

Jungkook laughed "Does Heejin know?"

Chaeyoung shook her head "She'll freakout"

"Things must have been hard for you and Mina... I can't even imagine losing my son" Jungkook

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