Chapter 24: Flashback

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"Here's the key" Somi handed a key to Mina. She then bowed her head to the two "Enjoy the rest of the day"

"Yah!" Chaeyoung hissed and take a step forward when Somi run away, leaving her with Mina

"What's this all about?" Chaeyoung asked in irritation

Mina look down "I paid Somi to take you to me"

Chaeyoung gasped "I can't believe she's serious about selling me to you"

Mina didn't say a word which irritates Chaeyoung.

"What do you want me to do?" Chaeyoung asked, coldly

"Date me, just for today" Mina softly utter while looking into Chaeyoung's eyes "Date me like we never broke up... Please, just for today" she quickly wiped the side of her eye "Like you still love me"

'That's easy' Chaeyoung told herself but instead of saying it out loud- she nodded

"Like I have any choice" Chaeyoung lift their hands, that was handcuffed "You tie me with you"

Mina smiles "Does that means yes?"

"Even if I say no- you won't let me go, right?" Chaeyoung 

Mina heard the tone of irritation in the latter's voice, but what can she do? She doesn't want to let her go. She can't take it if she loses Chaeyoung.

"Let's go" Mina held Chaeyoung's hand and pull her somewhere

There's an ongoing bazaar nearby, and that's where Mina brings Chaeyoung.

"Chaeyoungie, where do you wanna go?" Mina ask

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