Chapter 37: Present

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"She left... And I didn't even stand in her way" Dahyun covered her face using her palm, her shoulders shaking rapidly as she sobs "It's my fault... I didn't fight for her, for us... I'm always afraid of the world, and that leads us to an end"

Dahyun's sitting on the couch with her brother, the Korean girl has been crying for a while now. Her white cheeks are no longer white, it's red and tears are running down her face.

"You don't have to be sorry for what you are like other people are not sorry for who and what they are" Jin hugged Dahyun, and let the latter's head rest on his chest "Aigoo... You're such a cry baby"


"Kim Seokjin! You should be sad!" Jeongyeon shouted, holding a script

Dahyun quickly moved away and hit her brother's arm "Yah!, We've been filming for hours, you can't still do your role!" she hissed

"I'm just handsome, I'm not an actor" Jin fires back

"Yah!" Dahyun looks at Jeongyeon and points at Jin "Why did you even choose him for the role?!"

"He's your brother, it will be more realistic and natural" Jeongyeon replied

"But in reality, he'll laugh at me if I cry in front of him- like that!" Dahyun

"Yah! Jeongyeon- ah, why do you even want to do this?" Jin

"I told you already, Nayeon and I are getting married in months. Just do this for us as a gift... And I want to surprise her by directing, and having our own version of her favorite movie" Jeongyeon replied "Now fix yourselves! We're gonna shoot it again!"

Dahyun and Jin groan but obeyed Jeongyeon's instructions. They've been filming for hours, recreating the scene from Nayeon's favorite movie. Jeongyeon's does this without her fiancee's knowledge, she wants to surprise Nayeon with the film but her friends are no actors or actresses...

"Why don't you just call Chaeyoung and Tzuyu? You guys were part of the theater club in college" Dahyun suggested

"They already have a good role, let's get done with this- so we can film their part" Jeongyeon replied and instructed the Kim siblings to act again.


It was another normal day for the newlyweds...

Mina and Chaeyoung are spending their time in Mina's place. They're on a two weeks leave, since they want to spend some alone time together... And Mina being the rich one, made it possible for them to not work for weeks.

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