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Jihyo and Tzuyu are still watching Mina and Chaeyoung.
Tzuyu turned her head to the side and got mesmerized with Jihyo's beauty

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And that's when memories starts flashing back to her mind...


"Sana let's date this weekend" Tzuyu told her girlfriend with a smile

"Tzuyu, we agreed that we'll only meet every Tuesday, right?" Sana retort

"But it's my-" Tzuyu was about to protest but Sana didn't let her finish

"Tzuyu, it's not our schedule" Sana said in irritation "I agreed to this relationship because you promised that you won't bother me"

Tzuyu look down and just nodded "I'm sorry"

Sana get off the bed and pick up her clothes, after wearing it- she left like nothing happened.

Tzuyu, an 18 years old Taiwanese girl who was taken for granted by her Japanese girlfriend for 2 years.
She's kinda used to it but the fact that they're in an open relationship still makes her sad...

But she have to deal with it... Because that's what the price she have to pay just to make the latter stay...


Tzuyu woke up alone inside their dorm, she look at her left and found Chaeyoung's bed- empty.
The latter didn't come home again last night, she's probably at Mina's house.

It's weekend, and it's her birthday... But she's alone...

Tzuyu quickly reached for her phone, hoping to read messages from the people she loves... But she didn't got any, even from her family...

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