Chapter 32: Present

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"Mina..." Chaeyoung softly calls the latter's name

"Yes?" Mina replied- still sobbing

"Let's have a child" Chaeyoung

Mina stiffened, and she quickly move back to see Chaeyoung's face.

"Chaeyoungie..." Mina utter

"Let's start a family Mina" Chaeyoung

"Chaeyoung, I-" Mina sighs "I don't think I'm ready for that" she replied

"But why?" Chaeyoung

"We've just got married... Why don't we enjoy it first,? we're still young... Let's enjoy married life for now" Mina

Though it was against her will, Chaeyoung tried her best to fake a smile.

"If that's what you want" Chaeyoung replied

Mina smiles and pulled Chaeyoung for a hug.

"Chaeyoungie, I have met today" Mina utter

Chaeyoung weakly smiled before breaking the hug to face Mina.

"It's fine, I'll just stay here- in your parents' house" Chaeyoung

"I want you to come with me" Mina

Chaeyoung was taken aback "You mean, you'll take me to your company?"

"We're married now, what's mine is yours" Mina replied

"But you'll be having a meeting, right?" Chaeyoung

Mina nodded "Yeah, and I want you to be with me"

Chaeyoung didn't say anything anymore, she nodded in a reply to Mina.
The latter giggles in happiness, which also made Chaeyoung happy.

Everyone is looking, it's the first time that Chaeyoung stepped into that prestigious company. Mina's social status is not a secret to anyone, but the latter keeps being humble and never brags about her money.

Chaeyoung felt awkward with the stares from the people around them. Mina has been holding her hand- ever since they get out of the car.

They head to Mina's office, and that's the first time that Chaeyoung saw her wife's workstation.

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