Chapter 11: Present

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Nayeon, Momo, Sana, and Dahyun are at Jihyo's house. They're helping the latter to plan tonight's reunion.

"Are you sure Mina unnie will come?" Dahyun suddenly asked Nayeon

"Don't you trust me?" Nayeon

"Didn't you see Nayeon unnie's post?" Sana

"What post?" Dahyun

"She posted a photo of Chaeyoung, and it looks like she's about to get married" Jihyo replied and gasped in disbelief

Dahyun's eyebrows furrowed and quickly took her phone to see what Nayeon posted.

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Dahyun laughed upon seeing the photo "Mina unnie will surely come running to where Chaeyoung is"

Just right on cue, someone angrily opened the front door of Jihyo's house, and that made the girls in the living room flinch in surprise.

It was the angry Mina who came barging into Jihyo's house. She was wearing sunglasses

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"You summoned the angry CEO" Momo said under her breath, a whisper but enough to be heard by Nayeon, Sana, Jihyo, and Dahyun

"Mina- yah..." Sana called with a smile, greeting the woman in the doorway

But Mina's far from being happy, she shut the door behind her and walked straight into the kitchen.

Her friends followed her with a gaze...
Without a minute, Mina came back to the living room, holding a bottle of whisky, a bottle of soju, and a shot glass.
She then put it down on the mini table in the living room.

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