Chapter 6: Flashback

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"Chaeyoung!" Mark called the cub as he rush towards them- when Chaeyoung and Tzuyu entered the auditorium

"We're not late" Chaeyoung told

"It's not about that" Mark replied and pointed at the side of the stage "Look"

Chaeyoung's eyebrows furrowed as she saw a buffet table with a lot of food.

"Your girlfriend treat us to a buffet" Mark said in excitement

"Yah! I'm single" Chaeyoung hissed "Send that back!"

"Chaeyoung, that can feed us all" Mark

Tzuyu just laughed and shakes her head "Let her be" she told Chaeyoung "Mina unnie will surely be mad if you take back those foods"

"Well I'm not gonna eat it!" Chaeyoung

"Don't be stubborn, let's eat... We skip lunch earlier" Tzuyu told and pushes Chaeyoung toward the stage

"Tzuyu it's like she's buying me... And it's also obvious that you're selling me!" Chaeyoung protest

"Shut up small bean" Somi told the latter "She paid us well, just eat"

Chaeyoung looks at Somi in disbelief "So you're a team now?"

"I'm a businesswoman, and she's a good client. Be nice to me or I'll sell you to her for a good price" Somi

Chaeyoung groans, she felt like Mina's buying her. It's one of the things she hates about her ex-girlfriend, spending too much money on her- and to other people's eyes, she's a golddigger.

"Whatever" Chaeyoung gasped and walk away

"Where are you going?" Tzuyu shouted as she watched Chaeyoung walks toward the exit

Chaeyoung didn't say a word and just continue walking until she was out of the auditorium.
What she needs is time, something that Mina's not giving her, and the more that Mina's pushing herself towards the cub... That's just adding another space between them and their broken relationship.

Maybe if they both learn how to balance their emotions or if Mina will accept that there's a life outside their relationship, maybe they'll both learn how to value each other in an appropriate way, in a way that no one's suffering.

Chaeyoung needs time away from Mina, distance to make her miss the latter again... Or perhaps change, she wants Mina to reflect and with that... maybe they can be together again...


Just maybe...


"Leonardo's here" Tzuyu said while looking at the ceilings

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