Chapter 9: Flashback

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"What's with the smile?" Tzuyu asked when Chaeyoung came home

Chaeyoung chuckles and shook her head "Nothing..."

Tzuyu's eyebrows furrowed "Who's that guy on your Instagram post?"

"He's cute isn't he?" Chaeyoung asked

Tzuyu glares at the latter "Son Chaeyoung you're gay"

"I know... But I'm still a girl" Chaeyoung replied

And that made Tzuyu's eyes widen "Yah! Seyoung- ah!" She get off her bed and was about to reach for the latter but Chaeyoung grab a towel and quickly run into the bathroom then lock its door

Tzuyu knocks on the closed door "Son Chaeyoung, we have to talk- You small bean!"

"I'm taking a shower! Go away!" Chaeyoung shouted

Tzuyu gasped in disbelief and decided to walk back to her bed.
She waited until Chaeyoung came out of the bathroom.

Tzuyu's eyes widened as she noticed a tattoo on the latter's wrist.

"Yah! Why do you have a tattoo?!" Tzuyu

Chaeyoung glared at the latter "It's fake. Jungkook helped me to have one"

"Jungkook?" Tzuyu's eyebrows furrowed "So that's his name..."

Chaeyoung went to her closet and started to get dressed. She and Tzuyu are friends for a long time, they even live together. That is why they're comfortable around each other, they can even get dressed or get naked in front of one another like it's too normal to do.

"How come I don't know that guy?" Tzuyu asked, sitting on her bed and looking at Chaeyoung

"He's a new friend" Chaeyoung replied while wearing a short

"Since when?" Tzuyu

Chaeyoung put on her shirt and face Tzuyu "Just recently"

"And when exactly is recently?" Tzuyu

Chaeyoung pulls her face back at the latter before throwing herself on her own bed.

"Why are you asking like that?" Chaeyoung lay sideways and face the latter

"Why are you acting like that?" Tzuyu asked in return

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