Chapter 54

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"You told Heejin that I trade my soul for some business book" Somi rolled her eyes

"Didn't you?" Chaeyoung replied

"Whatever" Somi hissed

"How was your investment?" Chaeyoung asked, referring to Somi's child. That's how she called her friend's kid

Chaeyoung and Somi met at the school, and now, they were on the parking lot, standing beside each other's car, talking.

"I was teaching him about business but he wants to be a superhero" Somi

Chaeyoung laughed "That's your karma" she teased

"Shut up" Somi hissed "How's Heejin, by the way?"

"She said, she's doing good in Busan" Chaeyoung replied and sigh "How about Yuna?"

Somi shrugs her shoulders "Lonely, of course... Poor kid"

Chaeyoung sighs, of course she knows about her daughter~ having a girlfriend. She knows the sign, and she knows about abouth Yuna and Heejin for almost half a year now. But she never told Mina, she wants her daughter to have the courage to say it, so she didn't interfere.

"Do you think~ Heejin and Yuna will be fine?" Chaeyoung asked, she's worried for them

"How much do you bet?" Somi

Chaeyoung groans and rolled her eyes in annoyance "Why do I always need to gamble?"

"You're with me... Are you gonna take it or what?" Somi retort

"Seriously, what's these all about?" Chaeyoung

"If they're going to break up" Somi

"Yah! Stop it!" Chaeyoung

"What?" Somi asked "I bet, they will... Anytime this year"

"They won't" Chaeyoung protest

"So bet on it" Somi "Hundred thousand"

"That's too much!" Chaeyoung protest "I'm not gonna give in to this rubbish"

Meanwhile, inside of Mina's office...

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