Chapter 56

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Heejin and William are already sleeping. Mina and Chaeyoung closes the door of Heejin's room after checking on them.
William was so stubborn to sleep on his own room, and insist to be with his sister, afraid that Heejin will be gone in the morning.

With the smile on their faces, Mina and Chaeyoung went into their room and lay on their bed.
Mina wrapped her arm on Chaeyoung's tummy, and use the latter's shoulder as her pillow.

"The kids are getting old..." Chaeyoung utter, and pulled Mina, closer

Mina faintly smile and nodded "Yeah..."

"Maybe it's time for another baby" Chaeyoung proposed

Mina pouts her lips "Why? Am I not your baby?"

Chaeyoung chuckles and peck on Mina's lips. She the cupped the latter's cheek "I can't imagine a life without you"

Mina forehead creased "Hey! Why so sudden? Where did that came from?"

"Let's be real... We're getting old" Chaeyoung touch her forehead on Mina's "Let's grow old together"

"Ofcourse, we'll grow old together" Mina faintly smile "We'll have gray hair together... And watch our kids grow, and have their own family"

Chaeyoung show a half smile "We'll do that together... Just you and me"

Chaeyoung closed her eyes and let their forehead touch. She can't ask for more but another day with Mina...
They have been married for so long, and it's sad~ realizing that their getting old, and slowly on their way to the end of life.

Every night, before Chaeyoung fell asleep, she wished for another day with Mina...

Waking up beside her wife, keeps her going...


The second day of school came...
And on the University grounds, two girls, who has the same height, were running towards each other, and welcome one another with a tight hug.



Yuna and Yeji gasped and shakes their head. While watching the two, met in the middle.

"The trouble makers are together again" Yuna

Yeji giggles "I should get used to them, we're in the same college"

"I feel sorry you" Yuna

Yeji and Yuna went to where the dorks are. Heejin and Ryujin were still catching up, and telling stories~ like they haven't seen each other in ages.

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