Chapter 15: Present

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"I already prepared his snacks, it's on the kitchen table" Tzuyu told Jungkook as she handed Juyeong to him

"His milk is in his room already, just make sure that you feed him on time" Chaeyoung added

"Noted" Jungkook replied to Chaeyoung and Tzuyu

"Feed him every two hours, and call us if anything happens" Tzuyu

"I will" Jungkook groans "Don't you dare come back here without Mina in Chaeyoung's arms or vice versa" He said and push the two maknae- out of the house

"Let's make this quick" Chaeyoung said and stretch her arms


"Where is everybody?" Chaeyoung asked Tzuyu

Tzuyu just shrugs her shoulders in reply to Chaeyoung. They get into Jihyo's house without knocking, they're just used to it.

They walk to the kitchen and found Jihyo in there.

"Where are they?" Tzuyu asked

"Buying something to digest... They're also planning to drink" Jihyo replied "Mina's in the guest room" she told Chaeyoung

Chaeyoung nodded and head out of the kitchen, leaving Jihyo and Tzuyu alone.

"What were you drinking?" Tzuyu asked

"Slim tea" Jihyo

"Tsk!" Tzuyu grab the cup of tea from Jihyo "I told you to stop dieting, don't starve yourself"

Jihyo glares at Tzuyu "I'm getting fat"

"No you're not, you have a perfect shape" Tzuyu

"I know I don't look fit... I barely fit in anything" Jihyo protest

"But in my heart you do... You fit perfectly" Tzuyu replied

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