Chapter 66

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Later that day...

"William's kinda moody these days, but he'll definitely listen to you" Mina utter

"You know my Jeonghyun, you can tame him easily" Nayeon

"And as for Seungjae, he loves sweets, please don't give him chocolates" Jihyo

"You heard them Juyeong" Sana utter, looking at the boy

Vernon glares at Sana "Mom it's Vernon"

The four ladies were standing in front of a young man, giving him instructions. They were on the sidewalks, and was about to part ways.

"Just don't forget what we told you" Nayeon

"Fine Moms" Vernon utter

"I cooked your favorite, just ask Seungjae to go on our house, so that you can eat" Jihyo

"And please eat a lot, you're losing weight" Mina

"Is Ryujin giving you a hard time?" Nayeon

Vernon just scratched the back of his head. He grew up without his biological mom, but he is these girls' first child. He was never an outcast in their family.

"My sisters are pain in the ass. But I can manage, no need to worry" Vernon replied

"Momo's here" Nayeon utter, and they all look at the woman~ running towards them.

At that same time, Vernon bid his good bye, so as the ladies.


"I can't believe that I'm not her first love!" Mina hissed. They were in a spa, sitting on a massage chair~ beside and across each other.
Mina has Sana, and Momo on her side.

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