Chapter 63

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Yeji, Ryujin, and Heejin are sitting under the big tree, at the campus garden. The lovers were talking, while Heejin is having her own world~ behind them.

"My parents are fighting because of her" Yeji hissed

"Yeji, aunt Jihyo is a good person. You're probably mistaken~"

"No!" Yeji cut Ryujin from talking "That Jihyo is my Mom's mistress... Eomma's crying because she found out! She probably seduced my mother"

"Aunt Jihyo is not like that" Ryujin

"Are you siding her?!" Yeji asked in disbelief

"It's not like that... Aunt Jihyo a nice person, she won't seduce Aunt Tzuyu" Ryujin defends Jihyo

Yeji bitterly laughed "Then what? How will you explain it?! Do you think that Mama will just fall in love with her because she's a nice person?!"

"But I think~ I fell in love with you~ the same way" Ryujin calmly reply

"That doesn't sound sweet, you're weird" Heejin butts in, that's her way to 'BOO' Ryujin

Ryujin glares at her bestfriend. Disgusted of what Heejin's doing, she's eating strawberry~ dipping it into the ketchup, and eat it like it's the best thing in the world.

"Seriously? You're calling me weird?" Ryujin

Heejin glance at Yeji "Know what? If I were you, I'll go and find out by myself" she suggested "That happened to my parents before. Mama thinks that Eomma's cheating on her because she always sneaks at night. Then one night, my Japanese mother couldn't take it anymore, so she tailed Eomma. And there she found my mother~ Chaeyoung, eating strawberries in the kitchen, at midnight. She always crave for strawberries that time, it's because she's pregnant with my brother but they didn't know" she then looks at the two "See? It was just a nonsense accusation. Maybe that's the same thing with Aunt Tzuyu" she points out and took another strawberry then dip it into ketchup and eat it.

"But I have proofs" Yeji replied

"What's your proof? Seeing your Mom cry?" Heejin retort "My Japanese mother cries like they're about to break up~ whenever Eomma's leaving the house, just to go to work"

"But your parents are different with mine" Yeji

"That's the thing!" Heejin pointed out "They're different, and we don't even know what's in their head... That is why I'm telling you to talk with aunt Jihyo, instead of jumping into conclusions"

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