Chapter 4: Flashback

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"What?" Tzuyu asked in disbelief after Chaeyoung told her about what happened earlier with Mina

"She was crying" Chaeyoung

"Why don't you just get back together? That's a lot easier" Tzuyu

Chaeyoung rested her back on her bed's headrest "I don't know... But a relationship shouldn't be an extension of stress, right?"

"Just tell her that you don't want her anymore" Tzuyu said and sat on her own bed

They are now inside their room, both are done taking showers and was now ready to sleep. They went home immediately after Mina and Chaeyoung talked to each other.

"She's persistent" Chaeyoung

"It's better to break her heart than give her false hope" Tzuyu

"She doesn't accept those words" Chaeyoung sighed "I already told her that I don't want us together... But she didn't listen"

Tzuyu smirked "As always"

"People around me keep on telling me that I should get back to her... Thinking that I was cruel, but they don't know that I'm having a hard time too" Chaeyoung

"Falling out of love is not really a bad thing, the society was putting go much drama on it... They can't tell you when to or when to not fall out of love... It's your life and your own feelings" Tzuyu

Chaeyoung smiled and turn her head to the side to see Tzuyu "That's what I love about you. You still speak like a womanizer"

"Shut up!" Tzuyu rolled her eyes and crawl to her bed until her head reached the pillows

"Tzuyu- ah..." Chaeyoung called

"Why?" Tzuyu response

"Do you think I'm a bad person?" Chaeyoung asked

"I already told you that it's not a big mistake to fall out of love..." Tzuyu hissed "You only have one life, you shouldn't listen to what other people say. You should decide for your own, not other people, not even Mina unnie but you... Just you"

Chaeyoung heaves a deep sigh "I do want us to be together... But at this point, where everything is wrong... I think it's better for us to let go and-"

Chaeyoung stopped when she glance at Tzuyu and found the latter already sleeping on her bed.

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