Sea Salt Caramel Chocolates

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Filler chapter because I am in great pain, trying to get requested stories out, and trying to focus on my college applications. I think I'll just do community college with my best friend before going to normal college. Community college is free where I live.

(Y/n) sighed, as she was dealing with a Karen. Covid-19 struck Japan, and the cases started to go down, but they started to go spike again. Unemployment rates started to increase, but (Y/n) and her family were lucky to be financially stable. To help, the girl and her family started working at the pastry shop, along with the usual workers coming in part time to reduce the risk of them being exposed. Lucky for the other workers, they were still getting full paychecks to pay their bills and get all their necessities.

"Ma'am, please, you have to put a mask on enter this shop," (Y/n) said, trying to reinforce the stores rules. There were no mandates to say what was what, but Japan basically knew the rules. The pastry shop put up a board with rules: customers have to wear a mask, customers have to sanitize their hands before coming in, 6 feet apart, no sharing drinks with people who aren't immediate family, and service would not be provided to anyone who is not wearing a mask. All the workers also followed rules: must be wearing rubber gloves at all times (bathroom was an exception to that), must be wearing masks, must be wearing face shields, and must always wash their hands after taking off rubber gloves or sanitize their hands. "We do not want people getting Covid."

"So what? Everyone else is wearing a mask, and I have a health condition," The Karan said, a mask in hand but refused to wear it. "Besides, I'm a paying customer, and the customer is always right."

"I am sorry ma'am, but our shop is trying to enforce these rules so no one will be sick," (Y/n) wished she could cuss this women out, but she is representing the business, so she can't give it a bad reputation. "You must sanitize your hands before you come in, you must be wearing a mask when you come in, and we have the right to refuse service to anyone we don't want. If you want, you can wait outside and just tell me your order."

"No, you'll just get it wrong," The Karen said, and shoved (Y/n) to the side, making her slam into the doorframe, since it is was quite warm outside and leaving the door open helps get some fresh air. "Now give me what I want."

"Is there a problem over here?" A familiar voice made (Y/n) look over to came out from the back, someone she wasn't exactly expecting. It was her dad, but he said he was busy with some other business today.

"Your worker refused to let a paying customer inside," The Karen started ranting about everything. "She told me I have to wear a mask, that I have to sanitize my hands, and refuse service to a paying customer. I am the customer, I've been here since this place has opened, and I have the right to come inside. I have a health condition that doesn't let me wear a mask, but your stupid worker kept blocking the doorway. She even suggested I wait outside! Ew! I am not standing outside in the blazing heat! Besides, my kids are waiting in the car, and they really want some of those weird French Pastries."

"Please tell me your car is running...." (Y/n) mumbled. "And it's only 85 degrees out here...."

"Shut up! I demand to speak to the manager! Your owner! I demand it now or else I will sue for verbal abuse!" The Karen shouted.

"I would be the owner, ma'am," Tamaki came over, and put one hand on his daughters shoulder, standing behind her. "I also happen to be this workers father. She is just trying to enforce the rules that I had placed, so I will not fire her. But I will ask you to please leave, you are putting our customers and workers in danger."

"Your...daughter?!" The Karen screeched. She did not know what the Suoh families daughter looked like, and now that she just insulted her, she was pretty much doomed. "Oh you're here? I'm so sorry. I thought you were just a normal worker."

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