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"I have a slight problem." Saiki said to his friend, reading his book. It was already class break, and everyone was either talking, eating, or doing something else.

"What's the problem today?" (Y/n) asked him, knowing that he always has a problem, so she was just being mean to her friend. "Is it Nendo and Kaido? Hairo? Or is it Teruhashi?"

"A girl has a crush on me. It's Yumehara." Saiki really dreaded it when someone has their attention on only him. If it was (Y/n), he wouldn't mind since they've known one another since they were just little kids, but other people, that is a different story.

"Yumehara? Awe! Saiki has a secret admirer!" (Y/n) couldn't help but smile on the outside, while she was teasing him on the inside. It's not often someone likes her friend, so this was a rare time she's able to tease him.

"Shut up." Saiki demeaned, an annoyed mark appeared on his face.

"Awe. Sorry Saiki. I have some Coffee Jelly if that will make you forgive me." (Y/n) took out a coffee jelly, showing her friend. "I also have another French pastry that you can have."

"Are you a god?" Saiki asked, looking at his friend. "Fine. I forgive you."

"Yay!" (Y/N) smiled, taking out a small snack, and started eating it. "Are you listening to her thoughts?"

"Why wouldn't I? I need to know what she's planning if I don't want her to get attached to me." Saiki said, listening to Yumehara and (Y/n).

"But (Y/n) is always with Saiki. That might be hard. I just have to find a way for me to get close to him without her intruding on our business." (Y/n) also listened to Yumehara's thoughts as well.

"Want me to just stick with you?" (Y/n) asked her friend. She got up from her seat, and grabbed the coffee jelly and French pastry, and tossed them over to her physic friend.

"That might not be a bad idea, considering she wants to be along with me." Saiki told his friend. He caught both of the sweets, and started eating the pasty, since the coffee jelly was good being in room tempature as well.

Both (Y/n) and Saiki were both walking down the hallway. (Y/n) was holding onto Saiki's hand, trying to make it seem convincing that they were dating, or really close.

"Why is she holding his hand?!" (Y/n) and Saiki both overheard Yumehara's inner thoughts. She was was starting to panic, thinking there was something between the two.

"Do you want me to go now? We got her scared." (Y/n) mentally told her friend, looking out the window, seeing a cute bird fly by.

"Yeah. Just say something that will put her on edge." Saiki said, knowing (Y/n) got a lot of acting with talent with her uncles, especially her father and mother.

"I'll be going to the teachers lounge." (Y/n) said out loud, and kissed him on the cheek. When (Y/n) looked at his face, she assumed that he used his abilities to warm his cheeks, but he was actually blushing. "See you later Kusuo."

"They're on a first name basis?!" Yumehara yelled in her head, really upset. ​​​​​​​"No matter! This plan will work!"

It didn't. Throughout the day, Saiki and (Y/n) have been together, making it seem like the we a couple. Saiki would open doors for her, or (Y/n) would hug his arm. Other times, they would eat lunch with one another, or study together.

"Awe's raining." (Y/n) thought, holding her hand out form the doors.

(Y/n) saw Yumehara. Her fantasy of Saiki and her sharing an umbrella.

(Y/n) had sighed, and held her bag over her head, and stepped outside, only to feel no rain on her bag. Instead, it was the sound of an umbrella. She looked to her left, only to see Saiki holding the umbrella.

"Thanks Kusuo." (Y/n) smiled, and put her bag down, and started walking with him.

"Yumehara found someone else." Saiki said, pointing behind him.

"Already?" (Y/n) asked, looking behind her, only to see her face was red, while she faced another boy. "Already?!"

The two just walked. Saiki dropped (Y/n) off at her home, while he just teleported back to his home.

"Where is she?!" Tamaki yelled from the limo. When he saw it was raining, he was going to pick his daughter up. He had forgotten that (Y/n) had a phone, and didn't tell her that he was coming to pick her up.

"She has to be somewhere!" The twins yelled, running out of the limo, and went to find their niece around the school grounds.

"I'll come with you!" Honey yelled, following the twins, while Mori had just followed his cousin.

Kyoya and Haruhi just watched as everyone went crazy, and tried to find (Y/n), even though she was only home.

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