Kouign Amann

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        (Y/n) was sitting down at the Saiki family household. Her family was at a fancy dinner party, and Haruhi helped her daughter get out of having to go, and she instead sent (Y/n) to Saiki's home. She was just going to be having dinner and a sleepover, since the dinner party was going to be running late. Luckily (Y/n) had some spare clothes that she leaves at Saiki's place, just in case she forgets to bring clothes, or if there's an emergency and she needs to stay at her friends house.

"I'm gonna guess you don't wanna go to the movies for a while?" (Y/n) asked, smiling a little. She thought the events of at the movie theater was fun, considering her and Saiki both just dodged the biggest bullet in the universe. She was currently sitting on the couch next to Saiki with her phone in hand, texting back and fourth with her uncle Hani and uncle Mori, who were both in the Bahamas.

"I guess so." Saiki sighed, just holding his book in his hand.

"Why are your parents being so romantic right now?" (Y/n) asked, watching as Saiki's mom and dad both started fawning over one another. "With how much affection they show one another in and out of the house, it puts my parents both to shame."

The doorbell started to ring, interrupting both of the parents moment.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" (Y/n) asked, turning her phone off and put it in her back pocket.

Saiki's mom suddenly screamed, and that caught everyone's attention. Saiki's dad rushed to the front door, ready to do something that could protect his family, only to see a blue haired boy walk in, who had the same glow as someone (Y/n) knew.

The next thing (Y/n) and Saiki knew, they were both in a different room with a large futon on the floor, and table with three cups of tea. Saiki sat across from the blue haired boy, and (Y/n) sat in between them, closest to the window.

"He's going to ramble forever..." (Y/n) said, her chin was resting on the table while her tea was cooling down.

"Anyways, Kokomi is super freaked out that Kusuo's got the wrong idea about us, and so I came over to smooth things out." Mokoto said, his glow was still bright with that smile.

"End me now." (Y/n) hit her head on the table, unable to handle any more of this boys blabbering.

"She really wants Kusuo to like her!" Saiki's mom smiled, fangirling at the thought of Teruhashi and Saiki both dating.

"Yeah, but then there's (Y/n) as well." Saiki's dad said, bringing (Y/n) into this.

"Don't you guys have to make dinner?" (Y/n) asked, pointing at the clock in the room, where it was getting late for dinner.

And that's when Saiki's parents left, leaving Saiki, (Y/n), and Mokoto alone in the same room.

"I didn't know you knew him, (Y/n)." Mokoto smirked, one of his elbows on the table with his chin resting on his hand. "You never mentioned knowing Kusuo."

"He's a childhood friend, and I don't have to tell you about my entire life Mokoto." (Y/n) said, taking a sip from her tea, not wanting to deal with this boy.

"Awe come on. I told you everything about me when you were making that movie together a few years ago." Mokoto smirked, his hand inching towards (Y/n)'s hand that rested on the table.

Before Mokoto could even touch her, Saiki took (Y/n)'s hand into his, and pulled her over so that she was closer to his side. "If you have something you want to say, just say it, and leave (Y/n) out of it."

Mokoto kept rambling on and on about how Saiki wasn't worth his sisters presence and started thinking that he had ill intentions towards her. Saiki just sighed, and he felt (Y/n)'s hands pull his glasses off, and he looked at her. The weird thing about it, was that (Y/n) never turned to stone whenever he didn't wear his glasses. She just peered into his eyes, and just smiled.

"Are you two even listening to me?!" Mokoto yelled, trying to get their attention back onto himself.

"Totally." (Y/n) said, not even looking at him.

And of course, he started being a pervert towards his sister.

"Glad he isn't thinking of me like that, or I'd kill him." (Y/n) said, putting Saiki's glasses back on his face, along with playing with his pink hair. "Since when was your hair so fluffy?"

"It's always been like this, you know that." Saiki just let his friend play with his hair. As much as he didn't like to admit it, but feeling (Y/n) play with his hair always made him happy on the inside.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and there was Teruhashi. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Mokoto asked, looking at his younger sister.

"You called her, didn't you?" (Y/n) asked, looking at her friend.

"Of course I did." Saiki sighed.

Saiki and (Y/n) just watched everything happen.

"Awe! It was so sweet of him to be so considerate of my feelings." Teruhashi thought, and a smile appeared on her face. That was until she realized what her brother just did, and looked at Saiki, who was just watching what was happening with a resting face while (Y/n) was playing with her friends hair. "No! Wait! Now he know's I've been thinking about him! And why is she touching his hair so casually?! Are they dating?!"

"She's lost it now." (Y/n) smirked, as she looked at Teruhashi, playing with Saiki's hair once again.

"I hate you stupid big brother! I'm never talking to you again!" Teruhashi yelled, at Mokoto, and she ran out of the house, with tears in her eyes.

Mokoto turned completely white, while tears were streaming down his eyes. He fell on his knees, but he was leaning back in sheer shock and sadness.

(Y/n) and Saiki were both drinking some tea.

"Don't leave him here."

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