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        (Y/n) woke up around 7, and got out of bed. The sun was up a little, and her friends were going to be eating lunch. They were going to be going to the Pineapple farm then the aquarium. (Y/n) decided that it would be best if she ate breakfast here at the house and have the driver take her to the Pineapple farm before her classmates get there.

"Rise and shin sweetie!" Tamaki bust the door down and ran over to his daughter. He jumped onto her bed and hugged her tightly. "Time for breakfast!"

"I'm up I'm up!" (Y/n) laughed as she hugged her father back with a smile on her face. This was what it was like with her and her father. He woke her up with a hug, but (Y/n) wasn't complaining. She loved her father greatly, but she didn't love him when it was midnight on her birthday and he did this to her.

"So where is the first place your class is going?" Haruhi asked as she stood by the entrance of her daughters room. "Did you say it was the Pineapple farm?"

"Yeah, but knowing them, it'll just be some of my classmates eating all of the Pineapples while the aquarium will just be like any normal aquarium." (Y/n) was mostly referring to Mera, who would probably eat everything. "Maybe I'll just meet them at the beach, probably a better idea."

"Do you want us to go with you when we drop you off?" Tamaki asked as he let his daughter go from the hug, and now just sat on the edge of her bed.

"Uh, how about Uncle Kyoya?" (Y/n) asked. "I told the girls I'd be back in the morning, and they most likely told our homeroom teacher. I feel like taking Uncle Kyoya would be a safer route for explaining why I had left so late last night to come here."

"But I can do that too!" Tamaki whined. He wanted to be with his daughter when she left the house to go back to her classmates. "I wanna see my little Princess off!"

"It's ok dad," (Y/n) smiled as she sat up and patted her fathers blond locks. "I'll see you guys after the trip is over."

"Come on honey," Haruhi grabbed her husband by the back of his t-shirt and started ragging him out of the room to give his daughter some privacy to chance. "Hikaru and Kaoru left you a brand new swimsuit in your closet. You can wear that to the beach."

"Don't wear anything from those shady twins!" Tamaki yelled as he held onto the doorframe of (Y/n)'s room, refusing to let go. "Those shady twins will give you something you should not wear until you graduate!"

"Come on Tamaki!" With a nice good tug, Haruhi got her husband to let go. "Leave her be!"

"Save me my Princess!" Tamaki whined.

(Y/n) was currently wearing a (f/c) bikini under some short shorts and a white under shirt shirt that covered a little bit of her shorts. She did have breakfast at the house and spend some time with her family, but it was best to get back to her classmates.

"By the way, where is Suoh?" Nendou asked, looking around for the smaller (sorry if you're taller than 6'2) girl. "She's been gone since this morning and no one has seen her."

"I did hear that she went to her families house last night," Kaidou said as he looked around as well. "The girls said she wasn't feeling comfortable last night so she called her dad to pick her up. Mera said she was supposed to be back in the morning, but it's already getting closer to the middle of the day."

Saiki felt a little uncomfortable knowing that his friend wasn't around right now. Usually (Y/n) was there to keep him sane, but now he felt like he was going to go insane if she wasn't around. And yes, it's partly for the crush on her, and partly cause he feels like he could murder everyone here with how stupid and illogical they all are.

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