Cotton Candy

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        "(Y/n), I need your help, now." Saiki said, dragging his friend from outside the store. (Y/n) just so happened to be shopping with her mom, and was in the area Saiki was at. They talked telepathically for a while, but (Y/n)'s main focus was her mother. That was, until just now.

"What's the problem now?" The girl asked her friend. It's been about 2 times already Saiki needed her help for something, and they usually backfired. Its getting a bit tiering.

"Which coffee jelly should I get?" Saiki asked, showing her the different jellies.

"Saiki, why not just get your usual ones?" (Y/n) asked, and looked at some of the pastries and sweets, thinking she might get some for herself.

"Because the others are more for a better price. But mine has more flavor, but a higher price. I don't know which one to get, they're all good deals." Saiki was having a major internal conflict. "Help me."

"I can get you more of the ones you want, or make some for you." (Y/n) offered, thinking this would be easier for Saiki than to spend all of his allowance on the coffee jelly. He could've spent the money on something better than coffee jelly.

"No. It's best if I spend my money on something that I want." Saiki declined his friends offer.

"Hey Saiki, look at that." (Y/n) pointed to a coffee jelly that would have depleted Saiki's allowance. "It has 55g, which can't be too bad. But the problem is that you would spend all of your money on it. I don't think you should get that. It's way too much for just one serving."

"I'm getting it." Saiki said, and grabbed that coffee jelly.

"Seriously!?" (Y/n) asked. She thought her friend would have some better common sense, but that was apparently proven wrong.

"Are you sure about this? You just spend all of your allowance on that. I could've just made you some, or you could've gotten your usual ones with the usual amount you always get." (Y/n) wasn't sure if her friend had any common sense at the moment.

"Don't judge me." Saiki said. "Besides, if it isn't to my liking, then I'll just destroy their factory."

"Don't do that!" (Y/n) yelled at her friend, thinking he really was going insane.

"Ok fine, I won't do that." Saiki sighed, not wanting to argue with (Y/n). It was basically pointless when it comes to arguing with (Y/n). She was a social warrior.

"Good. Now let's just go home. I don't want to get dragged into one of your problems again." (Y/n) said.

"My problems?" Saiki asked, wondering if she had really said that. But he had to admit, the things that happen to him, she's been dragged into it, and they were his problems. "Eh. You're right."

"Told you." (Y/n) smiled.

"Hey watch out!" A child like voice made both (Y/n) and Saiki turn to the side. A baseball came flying towards all fo them.

(Y/n) was about to get hit in the face. She hid her face into Saiki's cheek, protecting her face wile her hands wet to the back of her neck. She didn't feel anything, but an arm wrap around her shoulders.

"W-what just happened? Where did the ball go?" (Y/n) asked, looking around. She didn't see the ball anywhere.

"I sent the ball flying. Are you alright?" Saiki asked, checking to see if his friend was injured.

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