Green Tea Ice Cream

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Ok! Here we go! Another filler because your author is trying to write other stories along with trying to make sure I am not going to fall asleep in class because for some reason I cannot go to sleep at night! I don't know why! I have no clue why! Anyways! Enjoy!

"So, why are we going to Karuizawa again?" Saiki asked, blinking a few times. He was currently with (Y/n) and her parents in the Suoh family limo. He slightly regretted wearing the ring to stop his telepathy, especially since his mother and father both pushed him out of the house and into (Y/n)'s family limo.

"Well, we are going to be spending this spring break (idk the timeline anymore, it's everywhere) in the little hotel where my uncles and parents spent when they were still in High School. We'll most likely have to be around people, but it's better than it just being us," (Y/n) smiled, resting her head on Saiki's shoulder with her eyes closed. Of course, Tamaki wasn't fully with this, but considering that his daughter does like him, he won't be too overprotective. "Besides, are you going to complain about a free place to stay, free food, and cute little market we can all visit?"

"I guess I can't complain to free food." Saiki shrugged his shoulders lightly.

"So how have you been, Saiki?" Haruhi asked, resting her own head on her husbands shoulder. "It has been a while since you have taken a small trip with us."

"It has," Saiki nodded his head. The Suoh family, along with the rest of the club, was ok with Saiki communicating using his telepathy powers. "I have been alright. Mom and dad are doing fine, still in love with each other like tomorrow is their last day of life."

"That does sound like Kurumi," Haruhi smiled. "She does love your father very much."

"I'm glad to see that you are doing well," Tamaki gave a small smile. He'll be nice, just for now. "How is school going? How are your friends?"

"School is alright. Sadly I have Teruhashi trying to get my attention, and two of my friends do not know how to leave me alone," Saiki said, sighing lightly. "Luckily Yumehara is leaving me alone now."

"Teruhashi?" Tamaki asked, thinking he recognized that last name. It clicked in his head, the girl that's gone on 'dates' with Saiki along with the girl that (Y/n) does not like. "Ah, I remember now. She's the one that thinks she's the perfect pretty girl, correct?"

"Sadly," Saiki sighed. He was glad that the Suoh family are people that he can openly talk to about anything. "How did you know about her thinking she was the perfect pretty girl?"

"(Y/n) told us what she was thinking," Haruhi gave a small smile. "Teruhashi was not saying a few nice things about our daughter, so she complained for a while."

"That does sound like something she would do." Saiki chuckled a little.

"Rude." (Y/n) said to Saiki, obviously not offended.

"Ah! Here we go!" Tamaki was out of the limo first, stretching his arms over his head. He was happy to finally be out of the limo after such a long ride. "It feels good to be back!"

"Didn't one of the twins nearly get hit with a potted plant?" (Y/n) asked, getting out of the limo after her mother.

"It was an act," Haruhi sighed, remembering that day clearly. "It was for some kind of point system to stay in the last room that was available. Luckily he wasn't actually injured, it was just a cut on the cheek."

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