Apple Turnover

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A bit of a filler chapter cause I have an essay to work on and I don't have any time to watch the anime.

Ok, so I'm not sure if you guys know, but about 2 years ago I was in the worst mental state I could be in. Not as in depression, but I was completely overwhelmed with everything in my life. I had team training, the expectations of winning at nationals, theater and making sure all 3 shows go according to plan, school and the absolute crap ton of work they gave us, and overall my mental health was at it's lowest point. I suffer from stress headaches. The tiniest amounts of stress sends me into a bad mental state, and my entire being shuts down. I'm not motivated to do anything, I feel out of it, I sleep to an unhealthy amount, and I get bad headaches. Not saying migraines aren't bad, but it's definingly worse than a normal headache but migraines take the cake. So that's kinda why updates have been much slower, cause my mental health is very bad and I can't handle stress at all. So sorry again for chapters being very slow.

10 year old (Y/n) was currently sitting on set with the Saiki family. Why was the Saiki family there with her on set for a movie? Well, it was for a wedding promotion. The main actors were Haruhi and Tamaki on their wedding anniversary. (Y/n) was going to be playing a little girl who is supposed to catch the bouquet with a male childhood actor. Saiki was there for the sweets mostly, but he also wanted to see (Y/n) in a cute little dress. As for the rest of the rest of the Saiki family, they were going to be in the audience.

"Saiki!" (Y/n) yelled, running over to her best friend with her dress on. It was a simple light pink dress with a ribbon tied around her waist. She wore a pair of black dress shoes, luckily flat or else (Y/n) was going to have sore aching feet in less than 10 minutes. Her hair was simply loose, but there was a little bit of product to give her hair a bit of volume and shine. "Do you like the sweets?"

"They're good," Saiki said, blinking a few times while he was eating a coffee jelly, something (Y/n) specifically requested to be on the snack table for everyone because she knows her best friends tastes. "How much longer are we gong to be here? I'm getting tired of hearing all these thoughts and these tired old dudes complaining."

"Pft." (Y/n) laughed, grabbing a cookie from the snack bar and started eating. "I have to hear this all the time. If I can hear it every day, then you can deal with it for one day."

"I hate it when you bring me on set." Saiki said.

"Oh please, you love it," (Y/n) teased. "You like these sweets and you enjoy watching me run around and be all crazy."

"Oh shut up." Saiki said.

"What are we going to do?" Tamaki asked, his pointer finger and thumb holding his chin as he was thinking. "If the lead for the bouquet scene isn't going to be here, then we need to find someone else."

"We better hurry it up then," Kyoya said, standing next to his high school friend. The Host Club was there on shoot as well, since Tamaki likes to keep his high school friends together as much as possible. Most of the clothes there are designed by Hikaru and Kaoru, even the dress (Y/n) is wearing right now. "This lighting isn't going to be here forever you know, and this church is supposed to be booked for the rest of the week with weddings, we only have today really."

"Then what are we gonna do?" The twins asked in sync. "Because we need a little boy to play the one with (Y/n), and if he isn't coming, we'll have to postpone it."

"What about Ku?" Kurumi asked, pointing over to Saiki, who was only wearing some normal clothes instead of the costumes everyone. "He's a little taller than (Y/n), and if it's only for one scene, it should be alright. Besides, they know each other really well."

"I refuse," Saiki said. There was no way he's going to go on set and have himself recorded. That meant he was going to be recognized on TV, and he really didn't want that. He hates people's attention . "I am not going to be on camera, and there is no amount of coffee jelly or sweets you can try and bribe me with, that would change my mind."

"Then I'll do it," Saiki's older brother, Kusuke, raised his hand. "Since Kusuo obviously doesn't want to."

"Bring me to a dressing room," Saiki ordered, setting down his coffee jelly. "Now."

(Y/n) waited patiently for her friend while sitting on Mori's shoulders, overlooking everything. She was munching on a cookie, making sure she wouldn't get any crumbs in her uncle's black hair.

"Here he is!" Kurumi said, running over with Saiki and her husband in tow. "Are we too late?"

"Just in time actually," Kyoya said, looking at his watch. "We have just enough time to get this last scene."

"We should hurry," The director said. "We're not going to have his good sunlight anymore anymore. Saiki, go over to (Y/n), she'll help you with the scene. All you gotta do is watch he bouquet fall into (Y/n)'s hands, and look at her, and smile, ok?"

Saiki simply nodded, and ran over to his position, where (Y/n) was already waiting. She got off of her uncles shoulders not that long ago.

"You ready for this? You're going to get a lot of media coverage and attention because of this," (Y/n) said, looking over to her best friend with a smile on her face. "And I know you hate attention."

"If it means my idiot brother doesn't do the scene with you, then I don't care," Saiki shrugged his shoulders, his natural neutral face on. "Besides, you owe me a years worth of coffee jelly for this."

"Oh I can imagine," (Y/n) smiled. "Now remember, watch the bouquet, look at me, and smile, ok?"


"You're watching that old wedding thing? Saiki asked, walking into his living room with two coffee jelly's in hand. Him and (Y/n) were doing a home date, meaning no going out and being bugged by people. "What made you want to watch it?"

"Did you know it's been about 6 years since we did that commercial?" (Y/n) asked, not bothering to answer her boyfriends question. "I'm still surprised you didn't get any commercial requests form other companies. Guess Uncle Kyoya made sure you wouldn't be bothered, and they ended up not bothering to request for you. At least you only got attention from the kids in grade school for only 4 months."

"Those were the longest 4 months of my life," Saiki said, sitting down next to the (h/c) haired girl, and handed her a coffee jelly cup. "But on the bright side, my brother didn't do the scene and you gave me coffee jelly for 2 years."

"You only used me for coffee jelly," (Y/n) rolled her eyes in a playful manner, and happily accepted the jelly. "You can't deny that my friend."

"Did I just get demoted from boyfriend to friend?" Saiki asked, teasing his girlfriend.

"Yes," (Y/n) said, eating her treat. "Since you used me as a source of sweets, you've officially been demoted to the title of friend while still being my boyfriend."

"You are the weirdest girl I've ever met." Saiki rolled his eyes.

"And yet you love me," (Y/n) rested her head on the pink haired boys shoulder. 'So you're stuck with me till the end of time."

"Sounds like hell to me."

"Do you want the free pass to sweets from the shop or not?"

"Did I say hell? I meant heaven."

"Uh huh, keep it coming."

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