Sugar Cookie

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        It was finally summer break. To say (Y/n) was exhausted, would be an understatement. She's had photoshoot gigs, acting auditions, interviews, and a bunch of other things famous children have to go through. Finally getting home, (Y/n) collapsed onto her bed, feeling exhausted.

"Rough day?" Kyoya asked, standing at the door way of his nieces room.

"Too rough..." She mumbled. "I liked the interview where I got to pet (favorite pets), but I was so distracted by their cuteness I got completely side tracked. Then the photo shoot was nice, if they weren't making me wear jeans for over half of the shoot. Those poor designer clothes are going to smell like my sweat because of this heat. And last, but not least, those acting roles my manager was trying to get me to do, just ended up being such poor characters. Why get me stuck with those kinds of roles? Those characters are so poorly written, even dad could write better characters, and he's horrible with writing."

"I'm sure with a little bit of help," Kyoya pushed his glasses up, his signature move. "I could get you a different manager to manage your time better, along with do an even better job."

"No need," (Y/n) yawned. "I think I'll just go visit Saiki while dropping by the pastry shop to get us a few things."

"Aren't you tired?" Kyoya asked, watching as his niece got off of her bed and grabbed her shoes that were by her large mirror.

"Yeah, but seeing Saiki and just hanging out at his place eating nice cold sweets sounds nice. If I fall asleep, I won't be able to get any of my work done for school."

"When is that due again?" Kyoya asked.

"Not for a while. Besides, I only have one last subject to do. I got most of it done last night." She waved it off before walking past her uncle, ready to go for a nice little walk.

Knocking on the door, (Y/n) saw a very frustrated Saiki. "Ku? Are you alright? You look like you've been dealing with a demon."

"I feel like I have been." Saiki sighed on the inside and the outside. "The kid from the other day is here. He cam over to watch a movie about Cyborg Cider-Man Number 2 and Cherry Bomb. Honestly trying to be nice to him is such a drag."

"He's just a little kid, Ku," (Y/n) patted his head softly. "Little kids are entertained by a lot of things. Don't ruin this for him, ok? Besides, he will grow up and his obsession over those two characters will be disappearing as time goes on. You remember how obsessed I used to be with those old TV shows with ponies and fairies. It's not that much different."

"Cherry Bomb!" The kid yelled when he saw (Y/n). "You're here! At Cyborg Cider-Man Number 2's secret base! Of course you know the secret handshake and passcodes inside, since you two share everything with each other."

"Hello there Yuuta," (Y/n) waved while entering the house and taking her shoes off at the entrance. "It's good to see you again."

"You know my name! How do you know my name?!" Yuuta asked curiously while his eyes sparkled brightly with anticipation.

"Cherry Bomb always has her secrets," (Y/n) put a finger to her lips in a shushing matter. "But I can see you are our biggest fan. Thank you for supporting us so much."

"You're welcome!" Yuuta screamed in happiness.

"You're bringing out your superhero acting from 5 years ago, aren't you?" Saiki asked, remembering the scenes (Y/n) practiced at his house for a child Super Hero for a TV show. "Your acting is still as good as you had been in your latest movie."

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