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"Are you sure you don't want to come with us to the wedding? (Y/n) probably would've liked it if you came." Saiki's mother said to her son, who was wearing a pink dress and what looked like a yellow light sweater, while her husband was wearing suit.

        "I'm sure she has some other plans." Saiki said, knowing his friend wouldn't like all the noise, and especially since she might cause a scene since she was so popular.

        "Well if you change your mind, you can just teleport right to us." Saiki's father said, and left the house with his wife still in his arms.

        "Maybe I'll just invite (Y/n) over to watch some TV. Or make some Coffee Jelly." Saiki thought to himself, while he looked around the room. He called his friend. "Hey (Y/n). You wanna come over and watch TV?"

        "Sure thing! I'll be over in 20 minutes!" (Y/n) smiled, before she hung up her phone, not wanting to get in trouble with the photographer again. She had her phone taken away for a week because she was on it, even though she was texting Saiki about stuff, which made her get her phone taken away form almost 2 weeks by her father.

        Saiki looked around the house, and saw everything was a mess. He sighed, and used his powers to start making things clean. He put dirty laundry in the hamper or washer. He tied some old newspapers together with some string, and sorted the garbage of recyclables and just normal trash.

        Using his powers, he made everything float, so it would be easier for him to clean everything form under the furniture. Saiki looked to the side when he was sorting the trash, and he suddenly froze. There, on the cabinets, was a roach. He teleported away, not wanting to be near anything like that.

        (Y/n) was knocking on the door. She managed to get out of the photoshoot early, thanks to her twin uncles, and came to Saiki's house in their limo to his house.

        "He's not there." (Y/n) looked back at the rolled down windows, where her twin uncles were waiting to make sure she had gotten inside safely.

        "Maybe he had to go out and do something." Hikaru said, looking at his twin.

        "Or maybe he changed his mind about wanting you to come over." Kaoru said, looking at his twin as well.

        (Y/n) thew a book at her uncles, whacking them right in the face. She was happy she carried around a dictionary, that was only A-D. "Shut up. I'm sure there is a perfectly good reason for him to not answer the door.

        She then heard a bunch of things crash. She peeked through the window, only to see everything was on the floor, and that it looks like it was being cleaned. "My guess is that he teleported somewhere."

        "We'll be going now. We have a few things to take care of." The twins said together, and their car suddenly drove off.

        (Y/n) sighed, and looked around to see if she could find a spare key. After picking up the door mat, she found it. Sighing, she opened the door, and made sure to take the key with her, so no one gets their hands on it either.

        "Kusuo? Are you there?" (Y/n) asked, looking around. There didn't seem to be anyone. The girl set her bad down, and started to clean a few things, so it would be easier for Saiki to clean. That's when she noticed the bug. "Oh. That's why."

        (Y/n) heard the doorbell ring, and she set down a broom. "Coming!"

        Suddenly, Saiki showed up and opened the door. She noticed that he had stoped moving, and there was Nendo. Saiki was suddenly gone, which (Y/n) was glad Nendo was so thick headed all the time.

        "Hey there Such. Whatcha doing in my best buddies house?" Nendo asked, letting himself in.

        "I was helping Saiki clean, but I don't know here he went off to." (Y/n) said, putting on her innocent act. "Do you think you could help me get a few roaches? I can't seem to get them."

        "Sure thing!"

        (Y/n) texted her friend, telling him Nendo was going to be taking care of the bugs, which seemed to help Saiki just a little bit, but not so much since Nendo and a bug was in his house.

        "Now where are they?" Nendo asked (Y/n), looking around the kitchen for them.

        "I think they're under the fridge. I honestly can't get to them." (Y/n) said, standing next to Saiki.

        ​​​​​​​"If he does something stupid, I'm killing him." Saiki thought, knowing Nendo would do something really stupid at some point.

        "Don't you dare. Do you honestly want to be charged with murder?" (Y/n) asked her friend, punching him in the arm.

       "I'm sure I can get away with it." Saiki smirked, punching his friend on the arm again.

        "Hey! There's two of them under there!" Nendo yelled, with a smile on his face.

        (Y/n) put on an act, a creeped out act. "Ew! Two of them!"

        "Don't worry, I'll be able to get rid of them easily." Nendo said, and tried to lift the fridge over his head, which was pretty easy with Saiki helping them.

        "Thanks Nendo." (Y/n) smiled.

        Saiki and (Y/n) thought Nendo was going to just throw the bugs out of the window, but he ended up crushing them both, with a bit of the bugs legs on his hands.

        "I hate to say this, but get out." Saiki said, kicking Nendo out of his house, not wanting him to be around at the moment.

        "Saiki. I don't think that was the nicest thing to do. He did kill them." (Y/n) said, grabbing some paper towels and started cleaning up the bug bodies.

        "He crushed them in my home. I just wanted them out. There's going to be a whole bunch of bug germs and blood all over floor." Saiki was starting to have his crazy panicky germaphobic moment.

        (Y/n) sighed, and started cleaning up the floor. "I'll take care of it. You get the rest of the stuff done, and I'll clean the kitchen. You don't have to deal with the roach."

        "Thanks." Saiki said, and went back to cleaning the rest of the house.

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