Strawberry Mochi

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        This is going to be a chapter on how MC and Saiki had first met.

"But why does my baby have to go to a public elementary school?!" Tamaki whined to his wife. It was the first day of elementary school for little 5 year old (Y/n), and Tamaki wanted to send her to a private school. Of course, Haruhi had already contacted Kyoya to enroll (Y/n) in public school. "Private elementary schools would be much safer for her! She could have body guards protecting her! She could have other rich friends to talk to! Why does she have to go to a public elementary school?! They're filthy! Those children know no manners! They pick their noses and scream all over the place! Why?!"

"Because she needs to learn that there are commoners as well," Haruhi said casually, sipping her morning coffee. "Besides, I don't want her to be around rich children. All of them are spoiled little brats."

"Like dad!" Little 5 year old (Y/n) shouted.

"Why did you tell her I was a spoiled little brat?!" Tamaki whined once again while hugging his daughter tightly with waterfalls of tears pouring out of his eyes. "Why did you have to tell her Haruhi?!"

"Because you were," She just blinked with her usual neutral face. "You damn rich people used money for a lot of things and all your expensive limos and houses and phones, (Y/n) needs to learn that there is more to life than money. She needs to learn what commoners like me had to grow up with."

"But those snot nosed brats will taint our precious daughter of ours!" Tamaki's grip on his daughter tightened while the poor little girls face was starting to turn blue.

"She will be fine Tamaki. She has already taken martial arts lessons from Hani-senpai and Mori-senpai," Haruhi finished her coffee but kept the cup in hand. "Any stick outside can be used as a weapon and she already knows basic martial arts. Besides, she has one wicked punch if it can make Mori-senpai wince."

"That's because he was being nice!" Tamaki yelled.

"Dad....can't breathe..." And she passed out.


"Tamaki just let go of her."

"Uncle Kyoya is going to be picking you up, alright?" Haruhi asked from outside the limo with her daughter. She had the limo driver lock Tamaki inside so he wouldn't be glaring at all the children and nearly suffocate his daughter once again.

"Yes mom." (Y/n) nodded her head.

"You have your lunch and pencils?" Haruhi asked, making sure her daughter had everything that she would need.

"Yes mom." (Y/n) nodded her head once again.

"Good girl," Haruhi gently kissed the top of (Y/n)'s head, making the little girl smile brightly. "You be a good girl, and don't start any fights. Remember to only use your Kendo skills when someone else tries to attack you with a weapon and your martial arts skills for when they don't. Be nice to other kids, and make sure you ignore whatever thoughts they may have."

"But it's hard to ignore other kids thoughts when it's about you," (Y/n) said, remembering how she would get sad whenever she heard other children's thoughts about her, only the negative thoughts though. "They always say I get into schools because of dad's money and Uncle Kyoya's influence..."

"I know sweetheart," Haruhi brought (Y/n) into a small hug. "But our money and Kyoya's influence has nothing to do with what you do. We do this for you because we love you, I promise."

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